
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

4º British: Historical films

As I promised you in class, here you have a list of Historical movies, related with the syllabus of 4º E.S.O. As we are talking about Contemporary History, there are many options, ones more modern than others... (from 1927 to 2012). But I am sure that you will find something that you like in a list of 60 films! Enjoy! J

I have tried to include a couple of movies in each unit. Obviously, there are only some examples to ilustrate the topics you are studying, but it is not a thorough list. So, in case you miss one film that it is accurate to the historical facts it is trying to shown, please report it to me and I will include it in a future update.

By the way, after reading the list... which one of those movies you would like to watch? Leave you comments on the blog!

1º British: Ancient Egypt games

Do you remember what we talked in class about the senet? Senet was a very popular board game from Ancient Egypt. And why I am asking this question? Because, as the final activity before the holidays, you will do something special today: play!

In the following links you can find many online games about Ancient Egypt. So, you can learn more while you have fun...

Another mummy maker (I know you like this topic...)

Enjoy! J

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

3º British: Economic Geography

Here you have the links for all the theoretical units about economy, and their weekly works:

Enjoy the holidays... Next term is coming! 

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

3º British: Curitiba, a sustainable city

Today we have a special activity: a Time Trial about Curitiba!. You have only today’s class for answer the questions, as complete as possible, and sent the .doc to blogeducativo08@gmail.com Good luck!

Watch the following video about how to manage a sustainable settlement: Curitibia (Brasil). It lasts only 6 minutes.

What kind of country is? What types of investment did they need? Are they getting real benefits? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Do a quick online search here... In general, what can you learn about this city? Do you think it is a good example for others cities? Why? 

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

4º British: Unit 12 Russian Revolution

Here you have the first topic of the next term... The good news is that there will be no exam of this unit! J With the book’s review (“Animal Farm”) and the weekly work, it will be more than enough.
For answering the activity nº3 (Russian cinema) you only need to watch the extract (9 minutes) provided, but if you are curious about the full movie, feel free to enjoy it!

In addition, if you are really interest into this topic, you can watch a documentary on youtube (in Spanish) about the “10 days that shook the World”, filmed in 1967 with the participation of Orson Welles. The title was based on the book written by the North-American journalist John Reed about the October 1917 Rev., which Reed experienced firsthand.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

1º British: Women against Rome!

Hoy, 8 de marzo, es el Día Internacional de la Mujer.  Este día fue instituido por la ONU en 1977. En este blog, hoy lo celebraremos desde un punto de vista histórico: haciendo un repaso a la vida de varias mujeres que plantaron cara al poderoso Imperio Romano…

Today, 8th March, is the International Women's Day. This day was established by the UN in 1977. Today in this blog, we will celebrate it from an historical point of view: by reviewing the lives of several women who bravely planted facing the powerful Roman Empire...

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

4º British: Unit 11 The I World War

Here you have an important issue in the European History: The I World War, also called “The Great War”.

In addition, you can do a volunteer activity (and win an extra point on the final mark of 3º term!). It is a case study about the Battle of the Somme (4 pages extracted from GCSE modern world History, by Ben Walsh). If you want to do it, read all the information and sources, watch the map below and do the final activity, called “Focus Task”. Send the file, before Tuesday, 30 April, to blogeducativo08@gmail.com

As complementary information, you can visit the following links from BBC:

I World War movies: 6 animation shorts about: Volunteering and recruitment - Night patrol - Life in the trenches -  Over the top - Gas attack - Injury and shell shock.

World War depth studies: a collection of articles, analysis and resources about causes, events and people. It includes the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.

And finally, a game: trench warfare