
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

4º British: World War I Archives

Britain's National Archives launched a great site for the 100th anniversary of World War I.  This week they launched the first batch of digitized war diaries. You'll also find pod casts and videos and much more worth investigating.

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

4º British: Books about the World War I

This year is the centenary of the Great War (1914-1918) and many editorials are publishing revisions, news and also re-editing classical works about it. In case you are into this topic, here you have a selection (in two parts) of the best ones... Enjoy the reading! J

The basics:

Los cañones de agosto”, by Barbara Tuchman (Círculo de Lectores)
El telegrama Zimmerman”, by Barbara Tuchman (RBA)
París 1919, by Margaret MacMillan (Tusquets)
1914: de la paz a la guerra
”, by Margaret MacMillan (Turner)
La Gran Guerra”, by Marc Ferro (Alianza) 
El mundo de ayer”, by Stefan Zweig

For going deeper:

Historia naval de la Gran Guerra”, by Mateo Mille
Historia militar de la Primera Guerra Mundial: de la caballería al carro de combate”, by Felipe Quero Rodiles (Sílex)
La Primera Guerra Mundial”, by Pierre Renouvin (Globus)
La Gran Guerra”, John H. Morrow (Edhasa)
La Gran Guerra: una historia global”, by Michael Neiberg (Paidós)
Para acabar con todas las guerras: una historia de lealtad y rebelión (1914-1918)”, by Adam Hochschild (Ediciones Península)
Atlas de la Primera Guerra Mundial”, by Martin Gilbert (Akal)
La torre del orgullo”, by Barbara Tuchman (Ediciones Península)
Años de vértigo. Cultura y cambio en Occidente, 1900-1915”, by Philipp Blom (Anagrama)
La Primera Guerra Mundial”, by Hew Strachan (Crítica)
1914. El año de la catástrofe”, by Max Hastings (Crítica)
La Primera Guerra Mundial”, by Michael Howard (Crítica)
Breve historia de la Primera Guerra Mundial”, by Norman Stone (Ariel)

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

1º British: Discover the mysteries of Çatal Hüyuck

Do you want to discover more about the village of Çatal Hüyuk. On this archeological website you can see one of the houses or how they prepared a neolithic meal. Interesting, don't you think?

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

3º British Pro-natalist policy in Finland

We are talking in class about changes in population, including the control of natality. As an example of pro-natalist policy we have this funny story: Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes, from BBC.

What do you think about this idea? :-)

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

4º British: Weekly Works for second term

Here you have the Weekly Works for the second term of this year. I will give you the deadline for each one with anticipation at class. Good luck! 

Remember that it is compulsory to give to the teacher all the activities or works in the required date. If you fail to finish them or you do it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for that work).

domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

1º British: Discovering Ardi

"Ardi" is a newly discovered female hominid who lived 4.4 million years ago, and a million years before the famous Lucy, long studied as the earliest skeleton of a human ancestor. She is of incredible importance in our understanding of human evolution. 

This Discovery special website features an interactive guide to the oldest skeleton from our family "tree," a photo album that traces the process of discovery, and 15 video clips that share insight into Ardi's importance. There are also contributions from the international team of experts who took fifteen years to piece together "Ardi" and her world. 

A great introduction to Ardi and her place in the history of human origins...

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

3º British: World Population in 2100

Today we have started the Unit 4; we have talked about population distribution and factors that affect population density. We know that most part of the world population lives in the Northern hemisphere and it is not balance settled. 

But... how many people is expected to be in the world in one century? Look carefully at the graphic and discuus about the consecuences (in economy, politics...) of this possible increase. You can see more details about the future population by countries (Spain included) in the web of the newspaper El País.