
sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

4º British: Arab Spring & French Revolution

As it is usually said, History is always repeating itself. This is the reason why is so important to have a good knowledge about your past. As an example, you will start a comparaison between the French Revolution (1789) and the so-called "Arab Spring" (2011). 

The Arab Spring — the popular uprisings across the Arab World that began in early 2011 — was the defining moment for a generation of Arabs, and was the seed of some of the most devastating, ongoing conflicts in the current world.

Download, printed and answer the following DOSSIER; when finished, send it to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es 

Here you have several useful links for starting your research:

Common thread of RevolutionsDr. Haytham Mouzahem, a Middle East analyst for the newspaper "Atlantic Post", argues that while revolutions may have different catalysts, they share common elements that include "circumstances of time and place and diverse cultural, religious, social, political and economic communities that witness these revolutions". 

Country-by-country: these BBC profiles explain “What Happened?” and “Where are We Now?” for every country that experienced unrest during the uprising.

Why the Arab World is Seething an early infographic from the New York Times into the causes of the Arab uprisings

Video: Egyptian rapper Deeb talks about the role of hip-hop in the Arab Spring uprisings

Good luck!

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

4º British: Flipped class! The unifications of Germany and Italy

The educational system is usually based in passive learning: the teacher talks and the students seems to be listening J But it is a fact that we (everybody) remember better what we DO, so with this topic we will try a new approach to knowledge: you will built your own learning! This is what we call “flipped class”.

In this case, we will work with topic 5: unifications of Germany and Italy (remember that you have also my notes on the tag “Apuntes” of this blog. Read them!).

Besides, I have prepared for you several links for introducing the theory. Watch/Read them carefully at home. Them, you will do some activities at class; in that way, you will work at your rhythm and you will have the opportunity of asking me all the doubts you find.

Let’s go!

First thing you have to do is watching this complete youtube’s video from Bailey Duncan (about 14 minutes).

Second, for being sure that you have watched the full video, you have to send me an email (blogeducativo08@gmail.com) answering these questions:
  • What was the Crimean War so important?
  • Why was Bismarck called the “modern Machiaveli”?

Third, you will need to print and bring to class this document with the activities (remember the password).

As usually, you will receive a mark for the full activity (homework and classwork/attitude). I know that you will find a bit difficult because it is something new for you but I am also sure that you will enjoy it, work hard and get brilliant marks, right? J

Good luck!

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

1º British: Workshop of Archeology

As we have decided, here you have the photos of your brilliant performance in the archeological workshop in the Museum of Ávila last week. You can donwload the full presentation (remember your password!) or the zip file with the single photos. Enjoy it!

Would you like to do another activity of this kind? Which one?

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

4º British: inventions from the World War One

Thanks to British Pathé, we can now watch these videos (about 3 minutes each) with some nowadays common things that were invented during the war, from blood transfusion to the zipper, just for saying two examples...

Have you ever think about it?

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

4º British: Weekly Works

Here we go! This is the full list of weekly works for this academic year. Notice that it also includes the deadline for the first one... As usual, it also includes a volunteer activity for earning an extra point in the final term.

Let's start working! 

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

3º British: Weekly Works

Here you have the full list of weekly works for this academic year. I will give you the deadlines with anticipation in class:

Good luck!