
miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

Quixote on cinema

After an intense academic year, here you have the traditional historical-film suggestions for your summer time. This year, of course, its about ALL the film adaptations of our literature's masterpiece: Don Quixote on cinema, by Cervantes. 

From 1898 to nowadays, from cinema (real or animated) to TV, from Europe to America or even ¡China!. All of them are inside this 8-pages-revision. 

Enjoy your holidays! J


jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

1º British: historical online games

As usually, here you have several links to videogames (mostly from BBC) about topics studied this year in our History classes. Enjoy the summer-time!

This game has the player choose the correct armor for three different types of Roman gladiators within a time limit. Each gladiator then fights and wins or loses based on what the player’s choices were.

Test your knowledge of history with an interactive challenge. Enter the embalmer’s workshop and prepare a body for burial.

This game presents the user with a scene where a Roman dies and the user then has to figure out how the Roman died. The player uses evidence from the scene and information both from witnesses and modern experts.
This game presents the user with a series of challenges related to building a pyramid for the Egyptian Pharaoh. The construction of the pyramid succeeds or fails based on the player’s decisions.
In this game you learn stories behind the coins and try to make “money talk.”

Just log-in for the adventure!


martes, 21 de junio de 2016

1º British: Photo competition

We have a winner! The "Great Jury" (members of the History & Geography Department) has decided: A.M.H., from 1ºD, is the winner of our contest: "Atapuerca: an historical photo". Congratulations! J

And many thanks to all the participants! Next year, the photo competition will be even better!

The "award ceremony" will take place on Monday morning. 

lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

"Rutas de Cervantes", by Google

The Google Cultural Institute (which is dedicated to collect, digitalize and publicize the artistic treasures from around the world), among with the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, has created the website "Rutas de Cervantes", a virtual walk thought the works of one of the best writers of all time.

Besides, they have also scanned 999 elements more or less directly linked to Cervantes: places, books, ceramics, monuments, paintings... 

Join (and enjoy) the celebration of "Cervantes: 400 years". 

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Audio books: Don Quijote

As a part of the "Año Cervantes" here you have a link to "Literatura Sonora" where you can listen (and read) some of the most famous chapters from Quixote, masterpiece of our literature. 

You can also visit the conmemorative website 400 Cervantes and get informed about the different events, theater plays, exhibitions, conferences, etc. around Cervantes. Enjoy! J

Image: fotogram from "Lost in La Mancha", directed by Terry Gilliam in 2002. 

jueves, 9 de junio de 2016

1º British: Photos from Atapuerca

Here you have the photos taken during these two amazing days in Burgos. It is a zip file. After downloading it, you will need the password to open it. 

Have a nice day!