
miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

3º British: For a named country that you have studied…

As you already known, you will be asked to give a real and detailed example of any topic in the IGCSE exams. As these questions are the most valuable in the exam (7 marks!), you have to be sure to prepare a good revision. 

Because of that, here you have a summary of examples and cases studies that we have studied in class during this academic year and you might be able to use in your IGCSE. I have also include a 6º part with the natural environment cases that we will study after Easter holydays (eg. Volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.). Have a look... GOOD LUCK!

In the meantime, remeber also the structure and rules of IGCSE.

Odd population pyramids due to migration (Qatar)
Aeging (elderly) population: Puebla de Almenara (Spain) and  Japan
Anti-natalist: China and the one-child policy (Before and after 2013)
Pro-natalist: Finland and France
Migration’ management: The points system in Canada

Sustanaibility (Curitiba and Whitehill Bordon)
Sustanaibility & Gender (Safety women’s program)
Gentrification (redevelopment of city centers): Chueca
Shanty towns: Kibera (Nairobi) and sources
Rural areas and modernity: Asiego de Cabrales (from an exam)

Market gardering and Hydroponic cultivation (Tomatoes in Netherlands)
CAP and diversification (Changes in farming in East Anglia, UK)
Green Revolution (India)
Energy (Changing energy in UK, Progranm 2020 & Brexit)
Farming in Mezzogiorno (Italy)
Oil explotation in Madagascar
Energy and pollution: Exxon Valdez oil spill (exam question)
Vineyard cultivation, France (Global productionplantation’s needs and map)
Cocoa cultivation, Ghana (Sustanaible Cocoa farmingGhana business news)
Cheese production in Asturias (Food & Drink sectorvarieties)
Mussels cultivation in Kerala, India (Kerala case and Oyster Opera)
Tulip flowers cultivation in India (Plantation’s needs and Kashmiri case)

Changing location of industry in UK (M4 corridor)
Worldwide location (Twinnings Tea and Cadbury chocolates)
TNCs: Ford in Chennai (India)
Industry in LEDCs: Intermediate Tech Development Group (Northern Kenya)
Industry in MEDCs: Panasonic in Osaka
Industry in MEDCs: Playmobil in Malta (from an exam)
Industry in MEDCs: Bayern in Asturias (from an exam)

Tourism and natural environment: Lake District National Park
Tourism and natural environment: Serengeti (Kenya)

Etna (Sicily, Italy)

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Lectura Internacional de Homero

Kalimera! Es decir, ¡Buenos días! Aquí tenéis ya el material generado esta mañana en la Biblio del Vasco, durante la Lectura Internacional de la Odisea, de Homero (Capítulo XII):

Como podéis ver en el siguiente mapa, hemos sido numerosos centros y países implicados.

Ha sido una experiencia magnífica y habéis demostrado un gran interés y un comportamiento ejemplar. ¡Muchas gracias a todos los participantes! 

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

4º British: London calling

As promised, here you have some tips and suggestions for your next travel to London. It is written in Spanish in case you want to share it with anyone else outside the British Council. I am sure that you will visit the main touristical spots so the document shows you a different approach to this amazing city. 

Enjoy your experience! J

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017

4º British: Russian Revolution - 100 Years Later

Here are three short essays about the Russian Revolution from Smithsonian Magazine. They are written by Dr. Carolyn Harris, professor of History at the University of Toronto, USA.

The first essay in the series, "
What You Need to Know First to Understand the Russian Revolution," is specially important because it reviews the domestic and foreign policy of Tsar Nicholas and Russia's involvement in World War I.

Besides, because this is the year of the centenary, there are several conmemorative activities, avents and speeches. For example, the International Committee of the Fourth International's series of lectures on the centenaryof the Russian Revolution will be broadcast on the WSWS.

If you are really into this particular topic on the syllabus, this is a good oportunity. Enjoy the visit!

Thanks to Ken Halla for the Smithsonian link. 

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

Día de la Mujer

Hoy, 8 de Marzo, es el Día Internacional de la Mujer, un día que se celebra de forma oficial desde 1975. Para aprender algo más sobre mujeres que marcaron un hito en la Historia podéis consultar este estupendo blog con multitud de biografías e historias. 

¡Feliz lectura!

domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

4º British: Women in wartimes

Next Wednesday, 8 March, is the International Women's Day and, as usual, in this blog we commemorate that day by talking about Women on History.

Today we have 5 inspirational stories about women during I World War, thanks to the Imperial War Museum. Do you know who were Elizabeth Knocher and Mairi Chisholm? Or that Mary O'Conell was a driver in the St Omer Ambulance Convoy? Or that Elsie Inglis was a qualified surgeon and supporter of the women's suffrage campaign? 

Discover these and many other amazing stories about brave women in wartimes.

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

4º British: The National Egg Collection for Wounded Soldiers (WW1)

Nowadays it can be hard to relieve but this is a real story from World War One…

The National Egg Collection was launched in November 1914 following proposals put forward by Frederick Carl, the editor of Poultry World (a magazine for farmers that is still online published!). The aim initially was to provide 20.000 eggs a week to the wounded British soldiers in hospital in Boulogne, improving their diet and helping them to recover. However, very soon the organisation became so popular that... 1.030.380 eggs were received during the week 16-23 August 1915, not including those sent directly to local hospitals!.

Special boxes and labels were supplied and free transport was provided by the railways. A central collection point was established in London in a warehouse provided by Harrods.

Postcards were specially produced for children: ‘Ma! Teach me how to lay an Egg – I want to do my bit for the wounded!’ The famous graphic artist, Donald McGill, produced a card aimed at a more mature audience. 

Even more! Female donors were encouraged to write their name and address on the eggs with a message for the wounded (Poultry World called them ‘eggograms’); many of them received back letters from the soldiers, expressing their gratitude for the gift. Eg.: Florence Hole (from Holwell, Dorset) received dozens of letters back and nowadays there is an online community which purpose is to attempt to locate those that responded.

Finally, you can read a later description (secondary source) about it: “My mother, Nancy Steele, was born in Woodstock near Oxford and was aged 12 when the war started. She and her sisters collected eggs for the National Egg Collection scheme throughout the war; the eggs were sent to sick and injured soldiers in hospital. I believe the girls would put their names and addresses on the eggs and mother received two letters from one of the recipients, a gunner in the Royal Field Artillery called Arthur William Dixey. At the end of the war, my mother received a certificate for collecting the eggs. I am still amazed that at that time, the eggs travelled to France and arrived unbroken!”

Unbelievable, isn’t it? J