
martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

3º British: Create your own case study

Here you have your new online task of the term! In groups, you have to create a case study activity about the primary sector. You can choose ONE of the following topics (Each one has some helpful links for stating, but you can find out your own online resources):

Option A. Vineyard cultivation in France (Global production, plantation’s needs and map)
Option B. Cocoa cultivation in Ghana (Sustanaible Cocoa farming and Ghana business news)
Option C. Is there a butter crisis in France? (BBC explanation and Solution from Asturias)
Option D. Tulip flowers cultivation in India (Plantation’s needs and Kashmiri case)
Option ECheese production in Asturias (Food & Drink sectorvarieties and 2015 production)
Option F. Mussels cultivation in Kerala, India (Kerala case and Oyster Opera)

Remember that the best one will be selected to be part of this term exam (with a maximum value of 2 points) J Your activity MUST include:

- One question about vocabulary (0’25 points)
- Two short questions for working with maps, photos or diagrams (0’25 each)
- One question about description of maps or photos (0’25 points)
- One question about “suggestions” or “personal opinion” (0’5 points)
- One question “From a named country…” (0’5 points). Here you have also to include a link to a possible answer or example.

Obviously, you HAVE TO include also visual resources (maps, diagrams or photos) that will allowed to solve the questions.

When finish, send it as a attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. This activity is mandatory and you will receive a mark for it. In case you fail to finish it, do it out of date (21  January) or just copy, the score will be 0.

Ready? Let’s go! J

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

1º British: The myth of Atlantis / the fall of the Minoans

More than two thousand years ago, the Greek historian Plato wrote about Atlantis, the fabled civilization that was swallowed by the sea. But the origins of Plato’s story have never been identified… until now?

Five thousand years ago, the Minoans, Europe’s first great civilization, flourished on Crete. The sophisticated inhabitants, named after the legendary King Minos, were the first Europeans to use a written language, known as Linear A, and the first to construct paved roads. They were an advanced society of highly-cultivated artisans and extremely skilled civic engineers. The Minoans were excellent ship builders and sailors, and their maritime empire was so vast, it rivaled that of the ancient Egyptians. But inexplicably, at the height of their power, the Minoans were wiped from the pages of history.

The island of Santorini, 70 miles north of Crete, was home to the wealthiest Minoan seaport... next to the volcano Thera. Around 1600, B.C., an eruption occurred. The Theran eruption was one of largest in human history — blasting more than 10 million tons of ash, gas, and rock 25 miles into the atmosphere. And it was followed by a tsunami...

The following documentary film from BBC (2011) is a good review of what happened in Thera: ATLANTIS: End of a World - Birth of a Legend. You can watch the trailer here.

domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

1º British: How to mummify an apple!

Would you like to do a volunteer and terrific experiment at home? If yes, ask your parents for help and... good luck!

What you need:
  • ·         Apple
  • ·         Knife
  • ·         40 grams baking soda
  • ·         80 grams table salt
  • ·         Two plastic cups

How to:

1. Cut the apple in half. Eat one half - you won't need it for the experiment J
2. Cut the remaining half in half again. Put each piece of apple into a separate cup.
3. Mix together the baking soda and salt. Pour this on top of one of the apple slices. Make sure the apple is completely covered.
4. Put the cups somewhere out of direct sunlight for one week... and wait!

5. After a week, pour the salt and baking soda mixture out of the cup. What has happened to the apple slices? Is there a difference between them?
6. You could make an apple mummy head! Draw a picture on an apple with felt tips or marker pens. Cover the apple completely with a baking soda and salt mixture and leave for a week. When you pour away the baking soda and salt mixture you're left with your very own apple mummy head!

What's happening?

You should see that one of your apple slices has rotted. The slice covered in the salt and baking soda mixture hasn't rotted. It's been mummified! Why?

Because salt and baking soda are desiccants. Desiccants remove water from any material it comes into contact with. Bacteria that cause rotting and decay need water to survive. Salt and baking soda remove the water from the apple, which makes it hard for bacteria to survive and cause decay.

Ancient Egyptians use a similar method to preserve human bodies after death. They used natron, a naturally occurring dessicant, to mummify bodies.

Important to notice: This apple is NOT meant to be eaten! Once you take a look at the final result you'll probably agree it isn't something you would consume. Besides, who would want to eat a mummy? J

viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

4º British: Seven Samurai, by Akira Kurosawa

Now that we are studying Japan, maybe you would find useful the following link from the University of South Australia. It is a very complete and interesting video of the Meiji era (8 minutes). 

Besides, as we have mentioned in class, one of the greatest film directors of all times was the japanese Akira Kurosawa. You can watch the trailer of one of his most famous movies: “Sichinin no samurai” (“The seven samurai”)

Believed or not, this film was adapted later by Hollywood as Western and even animation movie... Even the personality of their heroes are the same!

If you want to know more about Kurosawa, have this 20-minute documentary on youtube.

Finally, and if you are curious about the language, you can learn the basics of Japanese (alphabet, numbers, colors, ...) on the web digital dialects. J

Cover photo: illustration for "Ran", film  and drawing by Kurosawa

1º British: Everything about the Rosetta Stone

What is the Rosetta Stone? Why is it important? When was it found? Who cracked the Code? What does the inscription actually say? Where is it now? All these questions are answer by the British Museum blog. Have a look!