
sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

1º British: Diorama pictures

You can now download the ZIP file with the low-resolution photos of your worderful model making creations. Congratulations for your imagination and effort! 

Cover photo: Neolithic settlement
Playmobil exhibition at Castillo de Santa Bárbara, Alicante (2013)

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018

4º British: Photos from the Film Festival

Finally, here you have the photos (low resolution) from the successful I Film Festival. The pictures are available in this ZIP file and you can also download the stand-up comedian video (be patient, it is almost 2 GB... Despite the odd format, it can be opened with the Windows Media Player).

It was a really interesting experience! Great films / performances. Congratulations to the participants! :)

See you next academic year, as members of the "Great Jury"...