
viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

4º British: Pictures from the II Film Festival

Here you have the pictures of the great II Film Festival celebrated today. You can download the ZIP file (password required) and the stand-up comedian video (1 GB, with the same password. It will take a while... The video can be opened with both Windows Media Player and VLC). 

It was a really funny show, hope you enjoyed it :) Next year it will be even better! 

Have a nice weekend.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

3º British: review of mapping skills

As a part of our class review of map reading, here you have several useful links:
Do not panic: we will do the full revision at class; these are just links in case you want extra help at home. And besides, reading a map is not as difficult as it looks, isn't it?

martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

4º British: II Historical Short Film Festival

Everything is ready for the second edition of the Aula de Adriana Historical Short Film Festival. This year we will have a proper red carpet... and several surprises! Friday, 17 May, 13:00... Are you ready? :) 

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

1º British: Diorama photos (2019)

You can now download the ZIP file with the low-resolution photos of your worderful model making creations. Congratulations for your imagination and effort! 

PS. In case you have any problem with the file, just bring a pendrive to class.

Cover image: Pirámide de Giza Nanoblock