
lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

3º British: Create your own political party

A political party is a private entity based association, formed from an ideology and a certain interest. It seeks to obtain representation in the institutions through democratic elections, uniting convictions and efforts to influence public affairs and democratic life in an area, help finance and promote institutional changes and improvements from political power.

Obviously, you can not create a real political party because you are still under age!. But in this activity you are going to turn into political leaders...!

You must organize yourselves into groups (3 people minimum, as the law says, but 6 people as maximun) to “create” several political parties in class. You will follow (almost all) the official steps that the Spanish Law requires for creating a party. The teacher will be the "Ministerio del Interior" responsible for giving you the "ok"... and the final mark for this activity!

They are 6 stages on the activity:

1. Find a name, logo/slogan and ideology
2. Fill the Estatuto del Partido” application (you should also add a document with your economical, social, educational... proposals. The most complete you do it, the better for you).
3. Fill official inscription application (after that, and with the approval of a notary, you are supposed to send both documents to the Ministerio del Interior… and paid about 180/260 Euros. Obviously, you are NOT going to do that this time!)

Other additional points of interes:

If you have any questions you can call the phone 900 150 000 (although now is NOT working, because it is only avaible when elections are close). It belongs to the Ministerio del Interior and is free.

Realise that there are laws limiting the activity of political parties (eg. electoral campaign financing, which is prohibited and no, etc). The most important ones are:

Realise also that each “Comunidad Autónoma” has their own and specifical laws for the “Elecciones Autónomas”. But in this activity, to simplify things, we can imagine that we are joining a National Election and there is not necesary to review any territorial law.

Once the parties are "approved", each group will share roles (leader, secretary, etc..) and write its political program (ideas and points to defend).

4. Election campaign (during 2 weeks, you will have to make your party advertising, public speaking, debates in class and "convince" the "voters"...)
5. Elections and scrutinity.
6. Proclamation of the winner.

  • Monday, 30 September: You MUST give to the teacher the Estatuto del Partido and the Inscription Apllication (stages 2-3)
  • 4-11 October: Election campaign (stage 4)
  • Monday, 14 October: Elections, scrutinity and proclamation (stages 5-6)

Let's get to work… and good luck! :-)

By the way, as usual, this activity is mandatory and you will receive a mark for it. It case you fail or you do not do it, the mark will be a 0.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2019

British: Academic Information 2019-2020

We are back! In the following links you can read the academic information for this year: 

You can also read the Assesment Criteria (Criterios de Evaluación y Calificación) and the ring-binder criteria (Normas para la elaboración del cuaderno) for 1ºBritish.

And, as usual, you can donwload the "text book" and the weekly works (monthly works better said...) for homework in the tab "APUNTES". 

Are you ready? 3... 2... 1... Let's go! :)