
martes, 19 de septiembre de 2023

2023-24 Deadlines for first term

1º British

Monthly work nº0 (Intro) _ Monday, 25 September

Monthly work nº1 (Prehistory) _ Monday, 23 October

Exam I (Prehistory)_ Monday, 30 October

Terracotta Xiam WarriorsMonday, 20 November

Monthly work nº2 (Ancient civilizations) _ Monday, 27 November

Exam II (Ancient civilizations)_ Monday, 4 December

Maps_ Monday, 11 December

2º British

Monthly work nº1 (Feudalism)_ Re-Scheduled Wednesday, 18 October

Exam I (Feudalism)_ Wednesday, 25 October

Monthly work nº2 (Islam)_ Re-Scheduled Wednesday, 15 November

World travellers of Medieval Times _ Wednesday, 22 November

Exam II (Islam)_ Re-Scheduled Monday, 11 December

Book review _ Wednesday, 13 December

3º British

World Factbook _ Thursday, 5 October

Monthly work nº1-A (Population)_ Re-Scheduled Thursday, 26 October

Exam 1 (Population) _ Re-Scheduled Thursday, 2 November

Monthly work nº1-B (Settlement)_ Re-Scheduled Monday, 27 November

Exam 2 (Settlement) _ Re-Scheduled Monday, 4 December

Political Maps _ MONDAY, 11 December

4º British

Book review _ Friday, 6 October

Monthly work nº1 + video (Enlightment) _ Friday, 20 October

Arab SpringFriday, 27 October

Monthly work nº2 (Revolutions + Unifications) _ Friday, 10 November

Exam I (Enlightment & French Rev.1789)_ 4ºA+D Monday, 13 November _ 4ºB+E Wednesday, 15 November

Exam II (Liberal rev.) _ 4ºA+D Monday, 27 November _ 4ºB+E Wednesday, 29 November

Monthly work nº3 (USA & Japan) _ Friday, 15 December

Have a nice day and take care.

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2023

British: Academic Information for 2023-24

Hello! Hope you have enjoyed your summer holidays because... we are back! In the following links you can read the updated information for this academic year:

1ºE.S.O. British

2º E.S.O. British 

3ºE.S.O. British

4ºE.S.O. British

You can also read the Assement Criteria and download the "text book" and all the pertinent monthly works for homework in the tab "APUNTES"

domingo, 26 de marzo de 2023

Deadlines for third term

1º British

EXAM (Phisical maps of Spain & Europe)_ Tuesday, 18 April

Shackleton, explorer of the Antarctica_ Thursday, 27 April

Monthly Nº6 (Climates)_ Tuesday, 16 May

Oral: Population in extreme weather conditions _ Thursday, 18 May (Orals: 23-25)

Monthly Nº7 (Chartography)_ Thursday, 1 June

EXAM (Chartography)_ 7 June

EXTRA JUNE! Volunteer monthly (nº7)_ Tuesday, 20 June

2º British

*Monthly Nº6 (Art & Reforms)_ Friday, 14 April

*Oral: Female artists_ Friday, 21 April (Orals: 24-27)

*I'm a curator of Museo del Prado!_ Friday, 12 May

Monthly Nº7 (Britain)_ Friday, 19 May

GAMIFICATION: Magellan & Elcano

EXTRA JUNE! Volunteer monthly (nº8)_ 2ºB (19 June) / 2ºDE (20 June)

3º British

EXAM (Political maps)_ Friday, 26 April

Monthly Nº4_ Friday, 28 April

EXAM (Tertiary sector)_ Wednesday, 17 May

Monthly Nº5_ Friday, 19 May

FLIPPED CLASS!_ Delivery: Wednesday, 24 May (Orals: 25 May - 2 June)

EXTRA JUNE! Volunteer monthly (nº7)_ Wednesday, 21 June

4º British

Monthly Nº7 (Spain)_ Friday, 14 April

BBC Reporters_ Friday, 5 May

Monthly Nº6 (Interwar & IIWW)_ Monday, 15 May

EXAM (Interwar & IIWW)_ Monday,22 & Tuesday, 23 May

EXTRA JUNE! Volunteer monthly (n8)_ Monday, 19 June

domingo, 8 de enero de 2023

Deadlines for second term

1º British:

Oral: Seven wonders of Ancient Times _ Tuesday, 24 January (Speech: 25 & 26 January)

Monthly Work nº3 (Greece)_ Tuesday, 17 January

Exam I (Greece)_ Tuesday, 31 January

Monthly Work nº4 (Rome)_ Tuesday, 28 February

Exam II (Rome)_ Tuesday, 7 March

Book Review_ Tuesday, 14 March

2º British:

Flipped class_ Wednesday, 18 January (Oral speech: 20-27 January)

Monthly Work nº4 (Iberian Peninsula)_ Friday, 20 January

Exam I_ Friday, 3 February

*Oral: Precolombinian Cultures of America_ Friday, 17 February (Speech: 22-28 February)

*Video: Spanish America TV News_ Monday, 6 March

*Monthly Work nº5 (America)_ Monday, 13 March

Exam II (*if necessary...!)_ Friday, 17 March

3º British:

Monthly Work nº2 (Primary sector)_ Wednesday, 25 January

VideoScribe_ Wednesday, 1 February

Exam I (Primary sector)_ Wednesday, 8 February

Monthly Work nº3 (Secondary ssector)_ Wednesday, 1 March

Exam II (Secondary sector)_ THURSDAY, 9 March

Oral: Searching a job in Europe_ Monday, 13 March (Performances: 15-16 March)

4º British:

Monthly Work nº4 (UK+Industrial Rev.)_ Monday, 16 January

Historical Newspaper (Universal Exhibition)_ Friday, 20 January

Twitter (World War I)_ Election of roles: Monday, 13 February / Development: 22-28 February

Monthly Work nº5 (WWI & Russian Rev.)_ Monday, 6 March

Exam (Industrial Rev., WWI & Russian Rev.)_ Monday 13 & Tuesday 14, March