
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

2ºBritish: ORAL Christopher Columbus and pre-Columbian cultures

As we explained in class, America was a continent already populated, with highly developed civilizations (in some cases, more than the European!). The most important were Incas, Mayans and Aztecs. As usual, this activity could be done individually or in groups (máximum, 4 students). Choose ONE of the main civilizations and prepare a complete research about it for a posterior ORAL presentation (and, of course, all members of the team must speak). 

The work (Sway, prezi or power point) should have an extension of between 20 and 30 slides. Maps, drawings and photographs may be included. This work will consist (at least) of the following sections:

- Location (where the culture you are analyzing was based, what is its capital, with which countries it currently corresponds... A good idea is to add a map to your work)

- Social organization (who was the leader, how was the government, were they city-states or formed an empire? Were there social classes or were all citizens the same? There were slaves?...) and economy (what products did they grow? What kind of craftsmanship did they make? What was sold in the markets? Etc.)

- Religion and Art: What were the main gods? What were the temples like? And the ceremonies?... A good idea is to include a photo of a temple, a sculpture ... And don't forget to talk about human sacrifice!

- Opinion of all members of the group about the work.

- Webgraphy & Credits (i.e. which section each member of the group has done).

Of course, here you have some first useful links for starting your duties:

Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art 

Map&timeline (video, 13 minutes)

General overview, by Khan Academy (video, 7 minutes)

About the Mayans (by AcademiaPlay). Remember to include the Ball Game. You can also watch a video about the Mayan city of Chichen Itza.

About the Aztecs. The conquest (by AcademiaPlay) and another video about the sanctuary of Tenochtitlan.

About the Incas. Your video is a little longer (7 minutes). Do not forget to talk about the sanctuary of Machu Pichu (by AcademiaPlay)


Once the work is completed, you will have to send it by email to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es

Ready? 3... 2... 1... go! :)

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