
viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

3º British: Units and activities of the Historical part

As I said at class, there’s no text-book this year. Almost all the materials (theoretical units, questions for homework…) will be provided by this blog. You must download and print them at home, and bring them to class well-organissed in a ring-bilder. 

Here are the links for the theorical units of the Historical part:

  1. England in the 16th century.
  2. Spain and the Austrias Mayores.
  3. The Baroque Period. Art and culture.
  4. Europe in the 17thcentury.
And here the two weekly works of this part:

Picture-collage by DDR.

1 comentario:

  1. Adriana; soy yo otra vez. Me acabo de dar cuenta de que este documento es para 3º de ESO.
