
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

4º British: French Revolution Webquest

The first webquest of the year has two parts: do an historical research... and be creative!

Your task is to take on the role of a French citizen during the time period of the French Revolution. After deciding on your character, you should pick two stages of the Revolution in which your character would have participated.

Your ultimate goal is to write a 4-page narrative from the perspective of your historical figure (you can also add photos). Because it is primarily a work of fiction, you can be creative with some of the details. However, the overall story must be accurate with respect to the events of the French Revolution. You can read more details in the webquest page.

You have to send it by email to: blogeducativo08@gmail.com. This work will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish them or you do it out of date (Monday 19 November), the mark will be a 0 for that work.

Adapted by: Michelle Cottrell-Williams (Wakefield High School)

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