
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

4º British: French Revolution Poll

Here are your works of the French Revolution. Some of them are really interesting, others are more conventional... Now you can vote! Which one do you prefer? You have the works in a list below. You can vote in this link.

The marks have already been laid, so your opinions will have no influence on the outcome.

PD. To avoid problems with the different versions of Office, I have converted all of them into pdf’s. I also deleted your names, following the rules of data protection (you are under age…) for online publications.

Enjoy the reading!

Diary of a soldier
Fencius the sans-culotte
Ivan’s diary
Journal de France
Louis XVI (A)
Louis XVI (B)
Luke Moreau
Olimpe de Gourges
Raducu’s diary
Sieyes (A)
Sieyes (B)

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