
miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

British IGCSE: May 2013 exams

This is the timetable for the exam of this year:

History (4º): In this subject the exams will be divided in 3 parts. You have more details (and even information of the topics/questions of the exam!) in this information pdf:

  • Paper 1 (Theory): Tuesday 7 May. Hour: 9:00 - 11:00
  • Paper 4 (practice: alternative to coursework): Wednesday 22 May. Hour: 10:00 - 11:00
  • Paper 2 (Theory): Friday 24 May. Hour: 10:00 - 12:00

Geography (3º): In this subject the exams will be divided in 3 parts:
  • Paper 2 (theory): Friday 10 May. Hour: 10:00 - 11:30
  • Paper 1 (theory): Friday 17 May. Hour: 10:00 - 11:45
  • Paper 4 (practice: alternative to coursework): Tuesday 21 May. Hour: 10:00 - 11:30)

Geography' exam details

As the Geography’ exams seem to be longer and more complex, here you have some useful information:

Paper 1: 1hr 45 minutes (75 marks). What’s the % of the total marks? 45%

You have to answer 3 of the 6 questions available, so take your time to choose your questions carefully at the start of the examination. Each question will be based on one or more resources, which may be a photograph, a map, a sketch map, diagrams, graphs, written information or tables of data... You will be asked to analyse and use the resource/s to show your understanding of geographical ideas. It will not matter that the examples/places used in the questions are not familiar to you, but it is important that you know and understand geographical ideas so that you can apply them to any situation. To gain the highest marks you will often need to illustrate your answer by referring to a relevant case study you have learnt.

Paper 2: 1hr 30 minutes (60 marks). What’s the % of the total marks? 27.5%

This Paper tests your geographical skills. You must answer all the questions, including a compulsory map work question. You will need to use the map extract to answer specific questions about the area shown on the map. The compulsory question may include the use of grid references (4 and 6 figure) and direction, distances, understanding contour lines, and interpreting physical and human features of the area. The other questions will require you to complete and use a variety of different graphs, diagrams, photographs, tables of data, etc. You will also be asked to interpret the information. You will be marked on the accuracy of your answers, so you need to make sure you go to the exam well equipped with a pencil, rubber, ruler, set square and protractor.

Paper 4: 1 hr 30 minutes (60 marks). What’s the % of the total marks? 27.5%

This is, basically, two case studies: you will answer two questions, each based on a theoretical investigation,which test how you would carry out coursework. The questions will cover data collection methods, presenting data, analysing patterns in data and writing a conclusion.

Good luck!

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