
jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

1º British: Historical model-making

Finally, here you have your wonderfull historical dioramas. You were very creative and worked hard. Congratulations! J

I do like all of them, really. Which one is your favourite? Maybe the fantastic and famous Library of Alexandria?

Or maybe the Parthenon? With the sculpture of Athenea Parthenos inside? Do you prefer a Mesopotamian ziggurat?

Do you like misteries and advertures? In this case, you would probably prefer to discover Tuthankhamen’s tomb…

Do you like gladiator? Or mythological stories?

And what about the Vesubius’ explosion? With the destruction of the Pompeii, the Roman city…

We also have pyramids, a mummy, an “auriga”…

2 comentarios:

  1. hello!your family has already seen the dioramas of your students :)

  2. Wowwwwww!!! ¡¡Impresionantes!!! Me están dando ganas de mandar a los míos hacer escenografías de óperas. Se salen. ¿Se pusieron todos de acuerdo para usar playmobils o les diste un empujoncito? Jeje
    Todavía me estoy escacharrando con el minotauro. Habéis hecho un trabajo fantástico: se nota que ellos se lo han tomado en serio, han aprendido un montón (hay detalles alucinantes) y se lo han pasado pipa. Y se nota que tú como profe eres la leche. ¡Enhorabuena!
