
miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Nueva imagen / New logo

Hoy estamos de estreno en el blog! Como podéis ver, tenemos nueva imagen: un logo creado en exclusiva para mi, para mi blog y para mis alumnos J Una imagen que identifique nuestras clases de Geografía y de Historia (y los libros, y los apuntes, y los trabajos…). Una imagen que a partir de ahora os encontraréis en los distintos materiales de clase, empezando por… los DIPLOMAS de fin de curso! Qué mejor forma de estrenar nuestro logo?

Esta imagen ha sido diseñada por Kopi Design. Experiencia en diseño corporativo, editorial, aplicaciones móviles, web y publicidad. Información y contacto: pablo@kopidesign.com

Today we have remarkable news on the blog! As you can see, we have new image: a logo design created exclusively for me, for my blog and for my students J An image that identifies our classes of Geography and History (and the books, the notes, the activities, the weekly works ...). A logo that, from now on, you will find in the different class materials, starting with ... the DIPLOMA! It is the best way of using it for the first time, isn’t it?

This image has been designed by Kopi Design, graphic designer with experience in corporate design, editorial, mobile applications, web and advertising. Contact and Information: pablo@kopidesign.com

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

1º British: Historical model-making

Finally, here you have your wonderfull historical dioramas. You were very creative and worked hard. Congratulations! J

I do like all of them, really. Which one is your favourite? Maybe the fantastic and famous Library of Alexandria?

Or maybe the Parthenon? With the sculpture of Athenea Parthenos inside? Do you prefer a Mesopotamian ziggurat?

Do you like misteries and advertures? In this case, you would probably prefer to discover Tuthankhamen’s tomb…

Do you like gladiator? Or mythological stories?

And what about the Vesubius’ explosion? With the destruction of the Pompeii, the Roman city…

We also have pyramids, a mummy, an “auriga”…

2º ESO - Cómics: la conquista de América

Aquí están, por fin, vuestros fantásticos cómics. Podéis verlos en formato pdf simplemente haciendo clic sobre el enlace. Después, podéis votar vuestra historia favorita en estaencuesta.

Disfrutad la lectura! J

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

4º British: Units 17 & 18. Spain and UK after the War. The Democracy

Here you have the last two topics of the year. There are out of time/out of exam but, just in case someone is interested into them... (I know that your answer will be “No, thanks!” J)

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

1º British: Roman’s emperors

Today’s activity is a time trial! You have only this hour to find out about the people who ruled the Roman Empire. Make a list of 'good' emperors and 'bad' emperors, and explain why they are on your list. You’ll find a list of the Roman Emperors in this link from BBC (but you should do an online research and use more websites).

For example: “Emperor Augustus was a good ruler, because he restored peace to the Roman Empire. One thing he did was to set up a fire-fighting service for the people of Rome and...”

You should start by the Spaniards emperors (specially, Hadrian), but here are some suggestions for people you could research: Caligula - Claudius - Nero – Marcus Aurelius - Constantine...