
jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

1º British: What is Geo-literacy?

These two videos illustrate what geo-literacy means to individuals and to our global community. 
  1. What is Geo-literacy? 
  2. Why is Geo-literacy important? 

After reading the class information and watching both videos, answer the following questions:
  • What is geo-literacy?
  • What are examples of careers that use geographic thinking and reasoning?
  • What does the sentence “Geography is interdisciplinary” mean?
  • Geography explores three different systems. What are they and how are they related?
  • How might a geographer approach global problems differently than other scientists?
  • Critical Thinking: How do you see the work of geographers in your everyday life?

Write the answers in a word document. When you finish, send the document, with your name included, as a attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com.  Good luck! 

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