
martes, 2 de junio de 2020

2º British: Global Warming

Good news! This is the very last activity of this academic year! I promise :) Today we have talked about hazards and the Global Warming.

Global warming could do more than just melt polar ice. It could change our maps, and displace thousands of people from cities and tropical islands, creating migration and political crisis.

As complements, you can watch the following video by Dr.Binoocs (6 minutes) and a video by NationalGeographic (only 2 minutes!). 

Now let's check what you have learned! Answer the following questions as complete as possible. As usual, send your answers to blogeducativo08@gmail.com (last day: Monday, 8 June). 

  • What is global warming ? Explain it in your own words.
  • What are the causes of global warming?
  • Does everybody agree with the theory of global warming or is there some kind of controversy? If yes, why?
  • In science, what is the difference in meaning between "theory" and "hypothesis"?
  • What is "Carboon footprint"?
  • What is the Kyoto Protocol?
  • Make a list of 10 things YOU can do to help reduce pollution. Try to include as many tips as possible (about transport, clothes, plastic bags, food, heating / air conditioning...)
  • What is "circular economy"? 

And... that's all!

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