
jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

4º British: Road to war: UK vs Germany

The European situation in those previous years was not easy. In fact, there were deep and dangerous contradictions between countries and politicians... Here you have an example:

Sir Ralph Norman Angell (1872–1967) was an English lecturer, journalist and Member of Parliament for the Labour Party. In 1913 he wrote a very influential book, “The Great Illusion”. The thesis of the book was that, in the new 20th century, a war in Europe would be impossible. Why? According to Angell, because the integration of the economies of European countries had grown to such a degree that war between them would be entirely futile, making militarism obsolete. 

Meanwhile that book become a best-seller in UK, the German militarist Friedrich Adolf Julius von Bernhardi (1849–1930) wrote a bellicose book “Germany and the Next War”, printed in 1911. He advocated a policy of ruthless aggression and complete disregard of treaties and regarded war as a "divine business" and a “necessity” for his country.

Everybody know how this theoretical/editorial controversy finished...

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