
lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

1º British: Historical model-making

During the 3rd term, you must read the book "Roman Mysteries" (which I am sure you will like, it is a great adventure!), and you have to do also a manual work: a model or diorama of a historical age studied this year!

Of course, you will have a mark for this work. And, as you will do it very well, that mark will be very high... Do not worry, you have time enough: the delivery date for the model is Wednesday 28 Mayo (British). (Enlace a la versión española)


1. The model must be done individually or in pairs.
2. The item must be obligatorily related to one of the historical topics studied this year. You can add some figures and landscape items, but remember that the main part must be a building.
3. Do NOT expend a lot of money, do it with reusable materials: paper, cardboard, clay ... even those Playmobiles you have in a drawer J
4. Be original: it is a creative work, to show off your imagination.
5. They should be harmless (no volcanoes to explode, please)

There are many options: Paleolithic hunters, the neolithic city of Catal Huyuck, a Mesopotamian ziggurat, Egyptian pyramids and sphinxes, the Parthenon (the most important Greek temple), the lighthouse of Alexandría, the war between the Greeks and Persians, the Roman Forum, the Colosseum with gladiators, the Circus with a chariot race, Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius...

To make everything easier, I leave here a few links to some templates in case you want some help or a starting point: if you are interested in the topic, you just have to print it (but there are quite small buildings...). After all, it is a matter of patience and a some abilities with scissors and glue;-)

Get to work and enjoy it! J

Centro de Arte Rupestre Tito Bustillo (Asturias) - 2013

3 comentarios:

  1. Iria Prieto Araújo 1ºC7 de abril de 2014, 13:03

    ¿Y no se podría hacer con alguien del mismo curso que tú, pero que está en otra clase?

  2. Teresa Gabriela García Martín 1ºC14 de abril de 2014, 3:24

    ¿Se puede hacer el caballo de troya?

  3. Of course you can! But maybe it's a bit difficult... be realistic and think twice ;-)
