
domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

4º British: volunteer activity

Here you have the opportunity of achieving an extra point in the final mark of June... As you can imagine, this year the activity is about Adolfo Suárez and the Spaniard Democratic Transition...

It's an individual work. You have to write a full review about one (only one) of the figures/groups that took part in the transition. These are the possibilities:

1. El rey
2. Adolfo Suárez y la UCD
3. La Constitución
4. Los movimientos sociales y los partidos políticos de la oposición
5. El ejército y la Iglesia

The deadline is May, 9You have here the link to the webquest (it's in Spanish, but obviously your review must be written in English!.) You can also see there many primary sources (texts, newspaper articles, videos...).

Good luck!

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