
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Would you pass an Oxford University exam?

Oxford and Cambridge are some of the most famous (and demanding) universities in the world. Their difficult access exams are also well-known and now, thanks to the following link, you can read some examples of the Oxford exam questions. As you can see, there is not only one correct answer; even more, the important point here is not the answer in itself but your thoughtful thinking. That is: your ability for finding the deep cause of a problem, for selecting and linking ideas,  for giving and explaining reasons and consequences, and for expressing in a rational way your reflections.

Causes, consequences, reasoning ability... does they sound familiar to you? Yes! In class, you are being trained in all of them! So don't worry, at the end of the academic year, you will be able to pass your IGCSE - Cambridge exam!

Let's work! J

Source: Diario Vasco via DDR

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