
domingo, 12 de enero de 2020

1º British: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The named “Seven Wonders” are linked to ancient creations that rivaled in their size, majesty, and beauty.

Ancient civilization constructed some incredible architectural masterpieces. Even when six of the seven wonders no longer stand, having been destroyed by natural disaster or by humans, these wonders continue to amaze our present day historians and archaeologists. Your task will be to share information with the class concerning these ancient wonders.

These is a double-task activity that can be done individually or in pairs:

First: Choose your favourite Wonder  and complete a card guide for it (you can do it with ppt but do not forget to print it into PDF. In any case, it would be much better to use Sway or Prezi! and send me the link by email).  Data you HAVE TO include (please, notice that your information should be as complete as possible, such as the answers in an exam):

a) Name & Location (map, if possible)
b) Author (if known) or Civilization 
c) Year (or century)
d) Motive (Why was it build?)
e) Complete description (and images) 
f)  Why did you choose it as the best one?

You can start by visiting the following image...

... or watching these youtube's video here and here.

Second: Speak! Turn yourself into an historian and teach us all you know about your choosen wonder! Give us a live mini-conference in our classroom. Of course, if you are doing the task in pairs, ALL the members of the team HAVE TO talk. Cooperation and the use of appropiate vocabulary will be also keep in mind. 

When finish, send an email with the file (or the link to your presentation) attached file to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es. 

This work will be part of the score at the end of the term. As usual, if you fail to finish them or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work. 

Enjoy the work and good luck! 

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