
jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

4º British: The Spanish Independence War in 140 characters strings

You are about to start the second edition of your favourite historical activity... twitter in class! Yes, you have read correctly: you will use Twitter with educational purposes.

You must create a twitter account (please do NOT use your personal one) as you were one of the participants in the Spanish Independence War (a militar commander? A politician? A French soldier? A war journalist?... there are many possibilities, you can review the document “Characters of the War” on this blog). With this “historical account” you become follower of @auladeadriana

REMEMBER that you must create your historical account BEFORE Thursday or you will have a penalization on your mark.

During the next 3 weeks you have to create a minimum of 18 tweets (10 of them base on real primary sources) in the name of your chosen character. Try not to be independent, but “talk” with the others (a soldier complaining to his superiors? The liberal politicians writting the Constitution in Cádiz? Napoleon encouraging his troops? Politicians exchanging messages and speeches? Goya painting agaisnt the absurd of wars?...)

Last year, this experiment was a total success and your partners really did good performances, so you will have to work hard for leading them...

The “war” will start on 12 February and will finish on Friday 6 March. This work is individual and mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it, do it out of date, or just copy from a webpage, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Be creative and enjoy it! J

Sources you can use:

Gaceta de la Regencia de las Españas (Official news in the B.O.E.)
Spanish primary sources (you’ll need to translate them, obviously)
British primary sources (insert on the academic text. Be patient...)
Napoleon’s opinions about his contemporaneous
Journalist: Jéróme Phelipeau and the Siege of Cabrera 

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