
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

4º British: Napoleon Bonaparte

Here you have a new task. This time it is about explaining and comparing two primary sources. Read carefully both texts and follow the instructions:

Text A. Extract from the Act od abdication of Napoleon. 11 April 1814. Palace of Fontainebleau, France (Juridical text, primary source)

“The Allied Powers having declared that Napoleon was the sole obstacle to the restoration of Peace in Europe […], Napoleon faithful to his oath, declares that she renounces, for himself and his heirs, the throne”

Text B. Letter from Napoleon to the Legislative office of France before the Battle of Jena: 1806

“Weakness in the executive office is the greatest of all misfortunes to the people.  Soldier, or First Consul, or even Emperor... I have only one target: the prosperity of France”. 

Task: There is a double activity:

Write a full comment of text A: classification, comment (causes and consequences. Maybe you should also mention the posterior Congress of Vienna) and conclusion.

Compare both sources and also use your own knowledge to answer the following questions:
  • How did Napoleon become the dictator and then emperor of France? Summarise in few lines.
  • What positive things/laws he promulged?
  • How did Napoleon influence European institutions (them and now)?
  • Was he an honest visionary or just a selfish ambitious? Express your opinion giving always reasons in favour or against it.

As usual, when finish send an email with your document as attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I will answer you back with the corrections a.s.a.p. The deadline for this activity would be Thursday 29 October.

Good luck!

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