
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

4º British: Napoleon Bonaparte

Here you have a new task. This time it is about explaining and comparing two primary sources. Read carefully both texts and follow the instructions:

Text A. Extract from the Act od abdication of Napoleon. 11 April 1814. Palace of Fontainebleau, France (Juridical text, primary source)

“The Allied Powers having declared that Napoleon was the sole obstacle to the restoration of Peace in Europe […], Napoleon faithful to his oath, declares that she renounces, for himself and his heirs, the throne”

Text B. Letter from Napoleon to the Legislative office of France before the Battle of Jena: 1806

“Weakness in the executive office is the greatest of all misfortunes to the people.  Soldier, or First Consul, or even Emperor... I have only one target: the prosperity of France”. 

Task: There is a double activity:

Write a full comment of text A: classification, comment (causes and consequences. Maybe you should also mention the posterior Congress of Vienna) and conclusion.

Compare both sources and also use your own knowledge to answer the following questions:
  • How did Napoleon become the dictator and then emperor of France? Summarise in few lines.
  • What positive things/laws he promulged?
  • How did Napoleon influence European institutions (them and now)?
  • Was he an honest visionary or just a selfish ambitious? Express your opinion giving always reasons in favour or against it.

As usual, when finish send an email with your document as attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I will answer you back with the corrections a.s.a.p. The deadline for this activity would be Thursday 29 October.

Good luck!

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

1º British: Catal Huyuck, a Neolithic city

Read the following text and them answer the questions as complete as possible:

Catal Huyuck was a Neolithic city. It was constructed near Konya, in south-central Turkey from about 6700 BC to 5650 BC.

These people lived in mud-brick houses that were rectangular in shape, and typically entered from roof level by a wooden latter. Most houses had platforms for sleeping, sitting, or working, along with a hearth and an oven.

The rooftops were the most common area for activity, especially considering that the interiors of the houses had poor light and ventilation. Because the plans and sizings of all the buildings are so similar, it is uncertain which ones were ordinary places and which ones were sacred.

Many houses had wall paintings (hunting scenes, people dancing, etc.) and some small “figurines” (sculptures) of women. Archeologist has also found many utilitarian objects including obsidian tools (the base of its economy), pottery, clay balls, bone tools...

There are the questions; Copy them in a word document and add the answers; when finish, send it as attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I will answer you back with the corrections as soon as possible.

-         In which modern-day country is Catal Huyuk?
-         In which stage did they were living in?
-         Which material was important in its economy?
-         What did people use for building houses at Catal Huyuk?
-         Which examples of art did they have?

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

3º British: How to comment a map in Geography?

It's time to practice your first individual map comment... You ask for something "easy" such as sports, and here you have it! 

The 6 most popular sports in the World

Obviously, it is a thematical map (analytical? synthetical? static? dynamic?) but it is incomplete because only shows 6 sports (It is not showing winter activities (Finland) or rugby (New Zealand), for example).

Now it's your turn! Remember to include the CAUSES (several options for explaining why those are the 6 most popular... and causes here are not only linked to sport) and the CONSEQUENCES of that situation (both positive and negative).

When finish, send your comment as an attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I'll answer you back with the corrections a.s.a.p.

Good luck!

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

4º British: How to comment an art work? Volunteer practice

Do you want to practice a bit more how to comment an art work? Here you have a VOLUNTEER oportunity. This is the info/classification:

Death of Viriato (leader of the Iberian resistence against the Roman Empire)
Author: José de Madrazo
Place and date: 1807. Painted in Rome during an educational stay, but bring back to Madrid.
Art style: Neoclasicism

Now it’s your turn... Remember the order: 
  • Definition of the art style
  • Historical context
  • Characteristics of the style (Madrazo just followed the general rules, didn’t aport any “Spanish touch”)
  • Comment (Remember to mention the “Rule of 3 units: time, place and action)
  • Conclusion (standar sentence)

In case you need some extra help, you can read the info from the Museo del Prado, where the canvas is now. But, please, try NOT to copy/paste from there! And as it’s your first individual comment, is not necessary to write something so complete.

When finish, you can send it to me as attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I’ll answer you back with the corrections a.s.a.p.

Good luck! J