
miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

3º British: Sustainable cities

Many people are working towards trying to make cities more sustainable. A sustainable city offers a good quality of life to current residents but doesn't reduce the opportunities for future residents to enjoy. Key features of a sustainable city:
  • Resources and services in the city are accessible to all
  • Public transport is seen as a viable alternative to cars
  • Public transport is safe and reliable
  • Walking and cycling is safe
  • Areas of open space are safe, accessible and enjoyable
  • Wherever possible, renewable resources are used instead of non-renewableresources
  • Waste is seen as a resource and is recycled wherever possible
  • New homes are energy efficient
  • There is access to affordable housing
  • Community links are strong and communities work together to deal with issues such as crime and security
  • Cultural and social amenities are accessible to all
  • Inward investment is made to the CBD

A sustainable city will grow at a sustainable rate and use resources in a sustainable  way. One good example is Masdar City in Abu Dhabi. It aims to do this by:

  • Ensuring a low carbon footprint during and after
  • Being completely powered by renewable energy.
  • Reducing waste to as near to zero as possible, through encouraging changes in behaviour and regulating materials which can be present in the city.
  • Leading research and education into sustainable technology.
  • Designing the city streets and buildings to help create comfortable environments reducing the need for air conditioning, heating, and artificial light.
  • Educating three quarters of the 40,000 residents with 5 hours of sustainability education  each year.
  • Leading research at its university to ensure the city retains its sustainable identification and leading knowledge in sustainable living.
  • Full pedestrianisation within the city, without vehicles in the space. The transport network would be below ground.

You can read the urban plann and watch more details in the video 1 and video 2 from Youtube (11 minutes each)

Would you like to live in a city like this? J

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