
domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

4º British DEBATE: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

It is May, 1789. Your king, Louis XVI, has called the Estates Generals in order to approve a tax reform to solve the deficit crisis:

“His Majesty has decided to provide for an immediate convocation of the Estates General of his kingdom. His Majesty has not yet decided where the Estates General are to meet, but is able to announce to his subjects that their assembly is fixed for May 1st 1789 [...]”

The people that would attempt the meeting are:
  • A group of members of the Aristocracy and a group of members of the Clergy. Both groups worried about their priviledges
  • A group of members of the Third Estate, demanding a fair treatment and National Sovereignty. This group would include important thinkers and future revolutionary politicians (both girondins and jacobins), each one with their demands (Enlightment, Education, Equality, Abolition of Feudalism, etc.)

You have a two-part task:
First, prepare a small report that tells the King what is best for France and why (obviously, the idea of what is “best” is different depending on the group you are in!). Make sure that you justify your position with evidence. Remember, come to your decision based on facts, not emotion. Meanwhile, the King should prepare a draft of a possible tax reform, with different options. 
When finish (BEFORE Monday 30 October), send those reports, send it as an attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. You can also print it and bring to class.

Second: Great Debate at class on 2 November! Now you have your arguments and data prepared, you have to defend your point of view in class, and try to convince the King (that will be also the moderator) for legislating in your own side. At the end, the King MUST take a decission (Would him support the Priviledges or change his mind in favour of the Third State?).
All the members of the group MUST speak (minimun: two interventions each), giving rational and coherent, well-argumented answers. The use of appropiate vocabulary and historical backgrounds will be also kept in mind. You will have the full hour if needed, so take your time and do your best!

Resources you can use:

Alpha History (including the King’s call)
French Rev. Legacy (Fordham University)
French Rev. Digital Archive (Stanford University)

This work is mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it or do it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Ready, steady... go! 

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