
jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

4º British: Debate - Would you publish this book?

Have you heard the news? The copyright owned by the German state of Bavaria on “Mein Kampf” (Hitler's manifesto first published in 1925) expired on Dec. 31.

As a consequence: the book, whose publication has been banned in Germany since the end of World War II, may now be published there.  Early this year (2016) a German scholarly academy will publish a two-volume, 2,000-page edition of “Mein Kampf”, placing Hitler's own version into historical context (and will refute its outright lies and expose its half-truths) with approximately 3,500 annotations.

Three stories (from New York TimesDeutsche Welle, and The New Republic) discuss the controversy that still surrounds the book.  

But, what do YOU think about the issues? Read carefully the 3 articles to help yourself summarise the ideas and them answer, as complete as possible, the following 2 questions:

Do you support or oppose publishing a new edition of “Mein Kampf”? Why?
Will its publication promote a deeper understanding of the past, or give more fuel to intolerant views in the present? Why?

As usual, send your answer to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I will check it on Monday.

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