
viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

4º British: Lives of I World War

A website to uncover and remember the life stories of the 8 million men and women (from across Britain and the Commonwealth ) who served in uniform and worked on the home front during the Great War:


domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

3º British: Advertising time

Here we go! The creative activity of this term is about marketing (or how to sell a product from one of the economical sectors studied). You can read more information about the task, rules and deadline in this link.

Good luck and enjoy it! 

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

4º British: Short questions about the First World War

On this term's exam you will have one activity with several short-questions about the I World War (0'25 x 4 = 1 point), extracted from these options. They will be quite easy, for example :-): 

  • What was the Christmas truce?
  • Who was the "Red Baron"?
  • Why poppy flower is the symbol of the IWW?
  • What was the Zimmermann Telegramm?
  • Name some inventions from the IWW...
  • Who was Sofía Casanova?
  • Who was Private Sidney Lewis?... 

It's not necessary to learn by heart all the articles, just have a look to the most important ones...

domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

1º British: Olimpic Games!

The festival at Olympia in honour of Zeus was the most important athletic event in the Greek world. From every region of Greece and its colonies, athletes came to Olympia to compete in a range of events over five days. To achieve victory at the Olympic Games brought the highest honours to an athlete.

Open the following DOCUMENT and answer the questions as complete as possible. When finish, send it as a attached doc to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. This work is individual and mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it, do it out of date, or just copy from a webpage, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Ready? 3, 2, 1... Go! J

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

4º British: Victorian era in Twitter

You are about to start a new edition of your favourite historical activity... twitter in class! 

London, 1 May 1851. Queen Victoria is about to inaugurate the “Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations” at the Crystal Palace...

Here you have a full list of possible Victorian' characters you can impersonate during the activity (the Queen? Her Prime Minister? A suffragist? A famous writter? An industrial worker?... there are many possibilities!); take a couple of days for reading it carefully, doing some online investigation and choosing your 3 favourites in the preference order. On Friday, 14 January at exactly 16:00 hours, you can send me an email with your list. Important to notice!!!: ONLY the messages send to ACARRILES@EDUCA.JCYL.ES will be accepted!!! The characters will be assignated according to your preferences in strictly chronological order in the email inbox.

Once you have received my confirmation email, you must create a twitter account (please do NOT use your personal one) as you were him/her. With this “historical account” you become follower of @auladeadriana

The activity time-frame will be between Tuesday 18 to Friday 28, January, both included. During those days you have to create a minimum of 20 tweets (12 of them base on real primary sources) in the name of your chosen character. Try not to be independent, but “talk” with the others (a worker complaining to his boss because of the terrible laboral conditions? Queen Victoria visiting the Universal Exhibition? Politicians exchanging messages and speeches?...). In case of a doubt, send me a private message by twitter.

Do NOT wait until the last day to tweet "everything" as that will be not accepted; the mail idea of this activity is to create a role-game, interaction and debate with the other participants if vital. 

The previous years, this experiment was a total success and your partners really did good performances, so you will have to work hard for leading them...

This work is individual and mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it, do it out of date, or just copy from a webpage, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Be creative and enjoy it! J

Some sources you can use:

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

4º British: The children who built Victorian Britain

Here you have a list of links that you’ll probably find interesting (specially now that we are so close to the twitter activity...). They are several videos from BBC about the children who built Victorian Britain, working on mines and factories.

You will learn, for example, that these children were the first generation to have their thoughts and experiences thoroughly documented. Diaries, letters, parish records, government reports, and newspapers all add to the picture of these so-called "white slaves."

BBC Children in Victorian era (web with activities)
BBC videos: 

jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

4º British: Debate - Would you publish this book?

Have you heard the news? The copyright owned by the German state of Bavaria on “Mein Kampf” (Hitler's manifesto first published in 1925) expired on Dec. 31.

As a consequence: the book, whose publication has been banned in Germany since the end of World War II, may now be published there.  Early this year (2016) a German scholarly academy will publish a two-volume, 2,000-page edition of “Mein Kampf”, placing Hitler's own version into historical context (and will refute its outright lies and expose its half-truths) with approximately 3,500 annotations.

Three stories (from New York TimesDeutsche Welle, and The New Republic) discuss the controversy that still surrounds the book.  

But, what do YOU think about the issues? Read carefully the 3 articles to help yourself summarise the ideas and them answer, as complete as possible, the following 2 questions:

Do you support or oppose publishing a new edition of “Mein Kampf”? Why?
Will its publication promote a deeper understanding of the past, or give more fuel to intolerant views in the present? Why?

As usual, send your answer to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I will check it on Monday.