
martes, 19 de abril de 2016

4º British: Filming an historical movie

Your new task this year will be: filming an historical short movie! Today, with the daily-use technology is quite easy to became a film director, and that could be the origin of a great educational activity, don’t you think so? J

You can do it individually, in pairs or in groups. These are the basic requirements:
  • The main issue must be one of the topics from this year’s syllabus.
  • The story should be historically correct: you can be creative about secondary things (locations, music, clothes, etc.) but the characters must do real historical facts (maybe you should check for primary sources before preparing the dialogues and speeches...).
  • The final product should last between 5 and 10 minutes
  • After the film, you should include the author’s credits
  • The video must be in .avi or .mp4 format (compatible with Windows)

Let’s start with some help... In the following document you can learn about the steps of filming a movie and its technical aspects, such as types of shoots (planos) and camera’s angles.

When finish, send the video (and any extra material that you have created) to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. The deadline will be Sunday 15 May. This activity is mandatory; remember that, as usual, if you don’t do it, or you do it out of time, the mark for this activity will be 0.

Be creative and enjoy the activity. Good luck!

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