
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016

1º British: Etna wakes up again

This is not the first time in this blog we have to talk about Etna, the most active volcano in Europe. Located in Sicily (Italy), it woke up again last Saturday. Here you can watch a small video of Etna this week.

Today in class we learnt about monitoring volcanic areas; we used the example of Tongariro, a New Zealand's volcano, but with Etna the scientifics use similar methods. The following pictures are from these days Etna's activity: a seismograph record...

... and the VAAC (Volcanic Ash Advices) from the French Meteo Service (providing information for possible flights cancellations in the whole European continent due to volcanoes).

Fascinating, isn't it? During our next class, we will learn what to do in case of a volcanic eruption!

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