
miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

3º British: A climate’s infographic

Your new task is about creating an infogrpahic but, first of all, what is an infographic?

Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.

There are a wide variety of tools available that allow you to create your own infographic. These free infographic creator tools will allow you to generate an infographic very quickly, without the need for a professional designer, and often in very high quality formats:

  • CANVA - Allows you to create graphics of any size, and has a built in free “infographics” art section designed specifically for this use.
  • PIKTOCHART - Has over 100 free themes available and more than 1000 images.
  • INFOGR.AM - Has 30 free themes and allows interactive, embeddable infographics to be created on the fly.
  • If you prefer something more familiar to you, you can download this archive with freepower point templates.
However, having the tools to make your own infographic is only one piece of the puzzle. To make an infographic yourself, you will also need to determine what your topic will be, what data you want to present, how you will make that data interesting, and what you want your viewers to ultimately learn from the graphic when they finish viewing it.

Infographics are about more than looking good and attracting lots of views and links. If your infographic does not present data in an engaging way – or your data is not worth learning – you may find that your campaign is unsuccessful. So before you start designing, do some research.

In your case, each team will create an infographic about one climate. You should offer a good visual explanation about its location in the world, characteristics (temperatures, preciptation... A good idea would be include a climogranm) and the landscapes linked to it.

Besides being visually attractive, your infographic should be informative and complete from an educational point of view.

When finish, sent the work as an attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. You can be also asked to give an oral explanation at class.

As usual, this work is mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it, do it out of date (10 June), or just copy, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Good luck!

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