
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

4º British: Comment of an Art masterpiece

As I told you in class, it is very important to practice how to comment historical sources. Here you have a new activity. This time is mandatory (the deadline is Saturday 5 November).

Title: The intervention of the Sabine women (sometimes also called "The Rape of  the Sabine women).
Author: Jacques Louis David (1748 - 1825)
Place and date: France, 1799
Art style: Neoclassicism

Now it is your turn... Remember the aspects you should comment:
  • Main idea
  • Historical context
  • Comment (Add also a definition and a explanation of the characteristics of the Neoclassicism; and mention the "Rule of 3 Units"). 
  • Significance or consequence
  • Conclusion (standard sentence)
In case you need extra help, you can read the info from the Louvre Museum, where the canvas is now. But, please, try NOT to copy&paste from there! 

When finish, send it to me as attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. I will answer you back with the corrections a.s.a.p. 

Try to do your best and... good luck!

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