
miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

2º British: Cultural visit to Córdoba - Creative activities

Are you ready for travelling? I know that the answer is a big "YES!" but also remember that it would be an educative trip so there will be some classwork to do...Ups! But this year, the task will be very easy and even funny because both activities are very creative (and mandatory).

1.- Photo competition: the best historical picture!

During these two days, you will have many opportunities to take really good pictures. Think from an cultural perspective and try to take the most “historical” photo you can. 

2.- Micro-stories

Became a micro-novelist and write your own historical story. The story should be written in English and have a maximum of 15 lines (Times New Roman, 12). 

As usual, when back at home, send both  activities (your selected photo and your story) as a attached files, to blogeducativo08@gmail.com and, apart from the mark, you will enter into a competition. The deadline will be Sunday, 12 February. Good luck! 

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