
viernes, 24 de enero de 2020

1º British: Historical comic!

Yes! This is your opportunity to show your creativity because the task for this term is... making an historical comic! In can be done individually or in pairs.

You can choose any historical topic related with the syllabus of this yearThe story must be "original" and have at least 12 cartoon panels (viñetas). To do this there are several programs, but I recommend Comic Life.

Comic Life is a very simple program to manage: just select one of the templates (pages with cartoon panels already prepared) and start including photos. And where can you get the photos? Here there are many possibilities: you can search on the Internet images, video games or drawings that are appropriate to the subject; or you can take your own photos by using playmobil... or even dress up yourself!

Once that the photos are in, it is only necessary to insert the balloons (bocadillos) that will collect the texts of the characters: dialogues, screams, thoughts...

You can download the program from softonic, but as it is a demo version it will only be available 30 days. In case you need it, you can rewatch the youtube’s tutorial.

When finish, you must save your comic in .pdf format and send that file to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es. As usual, this work is mandatory and you will have the opportunity or earning an extra mark (1 mark) in your final score.  

After correcting and evaluating your "works of art", I will upload them to the blog so that you can all enjoy them. Ready? Steady? Go! :)

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