
viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

4º British: Comparative analysis of historical sources

It is time to start a comparaison practice before the exam... Look carefully the following images (all of them are linked to the Revolution of July 1830 in France) and them answer the questions as complete as possible:

  • What is the political significance of Source A?
  • Why do you think Source A is more important and famous than Source B? 
  • What is the political significance of Source C? (Observe carefully the different elements: social groups represented (and how/where), decoration, symbols, etc.)
  • What is the relationships between Source A and Source D? (Notice all the possible relationships: visual, ideological, cronological...) 

Source A. Eugene Delacroix: Liberty leading the people. 1830

Source B. Barricade at Louvre (engraving published in a French newspaper). 1830

Source C. Gerard: Proclamation of Louis Philippe, duc d'Orleans, as king of France. 1830

Source D. Jean Victor Schnetz: Fight at the Parisian Town Hall. 1833.

You have this week for doing the activity. When finish, send your answers to blogeducativo08@gmail.com

Good luck! 

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