
lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

3º British: What is a megacity?

Most part of the world’s population live in urban areas. We have studied their characteris but, what happened when the city is constantly increasing its size and population? Find it out!

You (by your own or in pairs) will have to do an online research for answering the questions below, in the visual format you prefer: infography, Prezi, power point, etc. When finish, send it as attached file in PDF format to blogeducativo08@gmail.com (last day, Tuesday 10 November)

This work is mandatory and you will receive a mark. If you fail to do it, do it out of time or just copy&paste from a website, the mark will be 0.

  1. Definition: what is a Megacity?
  2. Name, at least, 3 characteristics of a megacity.
  3. What are the main challenges of living in megacities?
  4. How can be those challenges solved or, at least, reduced?
  5. Where are most megacities located? Why?
  6. What cities around the world are considered nowadays megacities? List AND place them on a map.
  7. Investigate ONE of them and prepare a complete and detailed research about it. You should include photos and official data.
  8. Which other cities around the world are growing the fastest and would probably become megacities? Why?
  9. Other cities are experimenting problems linked to the urban sprawl… What is urban sprawl? Why does it happen?
  10. Opinion: What do you think it would be the future of urban settlement in Europe? Give rational arguments to support your point of view (about 15-20 lines). 

Useful links for starting:

Are you ready? 3, 2,1... Go!

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