
lunes, 14 de enero de 2019

2º British: G.O.S.T - Stage 2: Al Andalus

Good news: this section will be shorter, easier and funnier as you are travelling to Córdoba very soon! J 

Meanwhile, watch carefully the following videos about the Rise of Muslim Spain (10 minutes, in English) or the one from AcademiaPlay (17 minutes, in Spanish). It includes a good revision of both the origin of Islam and the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo. 

Al Andalus was a very important stage in the History of the Iberian Peninsula. There are many now a days inventions that have a muslim origin, as they were clever scientists and investigators. Let's watch this video: library of knowledge (11 minutes).

And, of course, their aportations to music (video moaxaja), art (ArteHistoria, 10 minutes in Spanish) and gastronomy!

After watching those videos, we will discuss them at class and I will release your new mission...

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