
lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

2º British: Thieves in the museum!

There are many Baroque's painting in the Museo del Prado, in Madrid... People often ask if any artworks from it have ever been stolen. Well, the answer is: Yes! In fact, Prado suffered several thefts (1861, 1897, 1906, 1909 and 1918). As part of the bicentennial of the Prado Museum and the exhibition of the “Tesoro del Delfín” (stolen and recovered in 1918), I have prepared this special detective double-task for you:

FIRST MISSION: There has been a robbery! And your misión is to discover & catch the thieves and recover the famous canvas. But there is an extra handicap: it is a time-trial! There are only 5 days until the opening of the exhibition in the “Salón de Reinos” in the Museo del Prado, that's why you must hurry to solve the enigma! In this document you have several clues to solve it. You will also find useful the museum floor mapLet’s investigate!

When you have completed the “Solution page” (yes, I know some numbers can not be read very well... that's part of the difficulty of this activity, haha), send your answers (you can just write directly the answers on a word document) as usual to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. 

SECOND MISSION: Send an email to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es answering, as complete as possible (minimun, 6 lines each), the following questions with your own reflections and opinions about the topic of this investigation:
  • Why would someone steal artwork from a museum?
  • What do you think of the thieves’ choice? (Eg. Why do you think they took paintings and not sculptures? Why do the paintings not include people?  Why did they only take such small paintings?)
  • Why we should protect art and cultural heritage?

ALL the missions must be solved and sent by email by Thursday, 16 June.

This activity is mandatory and can be done individually or in pairs (in that case, please do not forget to include both names in your email) and you will receive a mark that will allow to earn an extra mark (1 mark) in your final score. 

Ready? Steady?... Go! :)

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