
martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

4ºBritish: your haikus

As promised, here you have the haikus you have written this week. Even when some of you wrote several haikus, I've chosen only one of them as examples (by the way, this time they are not in alphabetical order so, try to guess the authors...). Enjoy! The following poems are from 4ºC:

Enjoy this flower
luminous and magical
the first summer.

I saw the grass field
colored in green and yellow
that look like a fire.

The trees are singing
so beautiful melodies
white leaves are falling.

There I see winter fly
with its white sparkles
during the night in the sky.

Beautiful sunrise
on a warm summer morning
waiting for day to start.

I was in fire
the room was dark and somber
I sleep peacefully.

Elephant get stuck
a young bold kangaroo fly
because of a rock.

The maximun expression
of company? one drop
of water in the sea.

The chill worming in
shock, pleasure, burstin within
summer tongue awakes.

Beautiful sunrise
on a warm summer
I wait for day to start.

The leaves falling
of the big trees of the park,
sense of chilling.

And now the haikus from 4ºB: 

A marvelous sky,
a great, gorgeous moon,
fine to passed by.

Charmy, precious birds
laying on the ancient trees
makes a living dream.

Oh the flies lost will
hard to catch but easy to kill
although they fly chill.

Come here and see roofs
that stop the see above
the old buildings that are tough.

There's no requirement
beautiful environment,
my retirement.

Brown and oranges leafs,
they fall to the ground helped
by a strong, cold wind.

A nice butterfly
going around the river
following the waves.

Water on the lake
and when you get into it
the sky comes to you.

Posibilities out there
on the deep ocean with them,
the little fish.

Be your own goal
if not you won't be the start
that dazzle all nights.

The leaves are green
the trees are tall and colorful
it it precious, I mean.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2019

2º British: Game of Spanish thrones

What is gamification?

Gamification is a learning strategy based on the application of role-playing games mechanism and strutures into the educational field in order to achieve better results, either to better absorb some knowledge, improve some ability, or reward specific actions, among many other objectives.

The ludic nature of these activities facilitates the internalization of knowledge in a funnier way, generating a positive experience in the students. Because we all learn more when we have fun! J

This year, we will conduct a gamification experience at our History classes. Pay attention to the rules:

How does it work?

The title, as you can see, is “Game of Spanish thrones”. It means that we will study the topics about Iberian Península during Medieval and Modern times by playing.

During the following weeks, we will have a combination of traditional explanations and flipped classes (based on different sources: theory, videos, texts and images analysis...). When each historical stage is finished, I will release the pertinent Mission document.

Each mission will have 3 activities, with different levels of difficulty. When needed, you can do an online research to answer them; in some cases, you will have to do a small DIY o craft-work at home J

When passing the different historical stages and missions successfully, you will obtain marks and, as a consequence, you will improve your social status (We will revise the score at class after each mission). It will go as it follows:

Start: 0 marks. You are a serf.
10 marks: you will become a free man/woman.
20 marks: you are now a burgher (citizen).
30 marks: Congrats! You are a knight, member of the priviledge stament! From that moment on, you will also have the opportunity of earning some extra and useful bonus cards...
40 marks: Well done! You are now a nobleman/noblewoman.
50 marks: You got it! You are the king/queen. And that means... you are NOT taking the exam! On the contrary, it is convalidated by 9. Yes! That is the reward for your efforts! J
60 marks: You are now crowned Emperor/Empress. This is the maximun honour and it will takes you to... a 10. Wow! J

To begin with, you have to create your Player-card (and them send it as attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com). You can use a hand-made template or a free online generator. This part is mandatory and will give you your first 2 marks for the game. Basic things you HAVE TO include in your Player-card:

Your nick-name and your photo (real one!)
Your city and kingdom (real ones from Medieval Iberian Peninsula)
Languages you speak 
Two strong point (This is really important, as it can gives you extra marks in certain missions... Think carefully about that!).
Two weak point (Again, think carefully as you can loose a couple of marks in a mission... This is a game and sometimes you have to take risks!)

Both strong and weak points have to be chosen from the following list:

- Learning new languages
- Map reading
- Diplomacy
- Militar strategy
- Negociation and sale skills
- Astronomy and sailing skills
- Calligraphy
- Music and fine arts
- Drawing
- Medicine
- Mathematics
- Biology and Botany

This learning-game can be done individually or in pairs but it is mandatory. All missions and activities has to be done on the specifical date. If you fail to do it, do it out of time or just copy&paste from internet, you will be penalised and will loose marks (with the repercussion that it will have for reaching the Royal status and benefits...). In case someone does not reach the minimun score required (50 marks), he/she will have to do a conventional, written exam.

But I am sure that you will do your best to have fun... and to learn!

Ready? Steady?... go!