
lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

1º British: Weather and climate

Hello everybody! Today we start a new and important topic. As this week you are busy making a volcano :) this post is only a short and easy introduction, ok?

Weather and climate are both refer to the conditions of the atmosphere (the layer of different gases that sorrounds Planet Earth) but weather and climate are not exactly the same.

The weather describes the atmospheric conditions in a particular place at a particular time. For example, look through your window? What is the weather like now in Ávila? Is it sunny? Windy? Rainy?... Weather can chage over the days, even in the same DAY.

Climate refers to atmospheric conditions that exist in a region over a long period of time (YEARS, centuries...). For example, the Mediterranean climate is generally warm and dry (that is, most part of the time, year after year, we have sunny days, good temperatures, we can go for a swin in the beach... although several days it is possible to have some rains).

The following video Weather vs. Climate (4’30 minutes in English) you can understand it better.

To finish, and just to check you have watched the video, please answer the questions by email (blogeducativo08@gmail.com) BEFORE Monday 4, May:

  1. They are many factors that can change the atmosphere. Which ones? (write only the names, without explanations or definition)
  2. One of the factors is precipitation. But this precipitation can have differents forms, which ones? (write only the names, without explanations or definition)
  3. Where was the “cartoon Sabrina” sent to on a trip for an experiment?
  4. What is meteorology? (search for a definition).

And that’s all! Very easy, right? Have a nice week!

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