
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

1º British: Alternative to an exam - online research about the climates of Spain

Spain is a privileged country, enjoying a wide variety of climates, and precisely this variety makes possible amazing contrasts between the different landscapes. Look at the following map (click on the image to enlarge its size):

This is a very important activity because you will receive a mark equivalent to an exam! Yes! So please take it seriously and do your best!

It can be done individually or in pairs. And because it is so important, you will have two weeks to do it.

You must do a presentation (in power point or prezi) with a complete research about the 6 Spanish climates: continental, oceanic, mediterranean, semi-arid, high- mountain and subtropical.  Each climate have to include the following items:
  • location (name the provinces with that particular climate)
  • characteristics (average temperature, precipitation through the year…)
  • An example of a typical climate graph of that area (Choose one real city of that area and search its name of this climate website to get the climate graph! So easy!)
  • Typical landscape of that climate. Here you have to add several photos of both vegetation and some animals. For example, in the oceanic climate you should include photos of oaks (robles) and beechs (hayas) forests, and some brown bears.
  • Agricultural activities in that climate. For example, in the oceanic climate is typical the bovine livestock, specially for milk products, meanwhile in the continental climate is typical olive trees and porcine livestock.

To start your research, you can check the following links: Spanish landscapes and Iberian wildlife tour.

When finished, make sure you have signed the document (with all your names in case you have done it in pairs) and send it to blogeducativo08@gmail.com as usual BEFORE MONDAY 1, JUNE.

Of course, remember that you have the opportunity to join my Tuesday classes on Teams, in case you need extra explanations or need to ask any doubt. Actually, in this link you can re-watch the video with my explanation (you will be asked to enter into your educa.jcyl account)

Are you ready? 3, 2, 1... go!

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