
martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

4º British: BBC History Reporters

As promised, today we have a new task: turn yourselves into BBC-History channel reporters! :)  Besides funny, it could be a great educational activity, don’t you think so?

You have to choose ONE of the following (and already mentioned) topics:

Of course, you will need to do some previous research to prepare the script and the images you will use (photos or videos). It can be done individually or in groups (maximum 4 people).

These are the basic requirements:
  • You should open your "TV news/reporter" with a definition of the chosen topic, explaining it as completely as possible. It is mandatory that the explanation provided includes, at least, 2 original images (eg. portraits, maps, etc.), 1 written primary source (eg. excerpt from a legal text, a speech, etc.) and 1 exterior scene
  • It woould be also highly valorated if you also include an "interview with an historical character". Would you dare to performance one of the participants of your chosen topic? 
  • The final product should last between 6 and 10 minutes
  • After those minutes, you should include the author’s credits and webgraphy (sources of information you used)
  • The video must be in .avi or .mp4 format 

When finish, send the file via wetransfer.com to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es. As usual, this activity is mandatory; if you don’t do it, or you do it out of time, the mark for this activity will be 0.

Be creative and enjoy the activity. Good luck!

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