
lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

3º British: The World Factbook

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of USA publishes an online “Annual book” with a multitude of data of all the countries around the world: The World Factbook. The information is compiled from different sources, both public and private, and it is useful for learning about the political, economic or social features of the countries.

Using this web is very easy: once you have choosen the country, you will see a map with its location, flag, etc. And below the map, you can find its information organized by topic. By clicking on each of them, it will display the information boxes. 

In today's activity (maximun: 4 students per group), we will work with the The World Factbook‘s web. It's a triple task!:

Task 1. You must download and FILL IN THIS DOCUMENT with the details requested in the list below, about 4 different states: Spain, another European state, a MEDC from outside Europe, and a LEDC.  Besides the information, in your document, you MUST include a map and a at least 2 graphs of each country (eg. economical sectors, unemployment levels or population structure): 
  • Name of the country and capital city
  • Location (continent, geographical coordinates, borders)
  • Population (As this will be the main part, please insert as much data as possible: age structure, population pyramid, dependency ratios, birth/death/migration rates, maternal and infant mortalilty rates and life expenctancy)
  • Official Language (if more that one, list them)
  • Type of government
  • International organizations to which it belongs
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product per capita)
  • GDP composition by sectors 
  • Military Expenditures
  • Educational expenditures
  • School life expectancy
  • Health issues (see "population" tag)
  • Youth unemployment
  • Transnational issues (For example, border disputes, nationalism' conflicts, refugees, etc.).
Task 2. Then you must compare the data of those countries and enter your opinion, as complete as possible (Times new roman, 12, simple line)

  • Was it easy to find all the information requested? Why?
  • Is the data updated? If not, why?
  • Compare population rates and health issues.  What do you think about those numbers? Why? What could they represent for their future? 
  • Compare militar and educational expenditures. What do you think about those numbers? Why?
  • Is there any other data that surprises you? Which one? Why?
  • What is the situation of Spain compare to the other states analyzed? Why? Write a fully developed essay (minimum 15 lines)
When finish, send both documents in PDF format as attached file to  acarriles@educa.jcyl.es

Task 3. Oral presentation at class (aprox. 15 minutes). The talk should be focussed not on Spain, but on the comparaison between the chosen countries and your conclussions. As usual, all members of the team must speak. Collaboration and coordination between them will be taken into consideration.

This is a mandatory activity. If you do not do it, or do it out of time, your mark here will be 0.

Ready? 3, 2, 1... GO!

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020

4ºBritish: how to comment an historical source


In the following document you can learn how to comment and historical source. The example included is about the English Parliamentarism. It would be a good idea to download and print it, to have a look every time you need it...

In the image, the Death warrant for the execution of King Charles X of England.

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2020

British: Academic Information 2020-2021

We are back! How are you? Did you miss school?...

Due to the Covid-situation, you will find some changes next week, both the new disposition of classrooms and the teaching/learning process. Even if (hopefully) we can develop school-life as usual, TIC and corporative email will be more important this year. For example, you will have to send your monthly works always by email in pdf format.

In the following links you can read the academic information for this year: 

You can also read the Assesment Criteria (Criterios de Evaluación y Calificación). Please notice that these criteria are now quite similar to previous academic years but could be modified, if the sanitary situation requires a new confinament, according to potencial new official guidelines. 

And, as usual, you can donwload the "text book" and the monthly works for homework in the tab "APUNTES". 

Are you ready? 3... 2... 1... Let's go! :)