
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2020

British: Academic Information 2020-2021

We are back! How are you? Did you miss school?...

Due to the Covid-situation, you will find some changes next week, both the new disposition of classrooms and the teaching/learning process. Even if (hopefully) we can develop school-life as usual, TIC and corporative email will be more important this year. For example, you will have to send your monthly works always by email in pdf format.

In the following links you can read the academic information for this year: 

You can also read the Assesment Criteria (Criterios de Evaluación y Calificación). Please notice that these criteria are now quite similar to previous academic years but could be modified, if the sanitary situation requires a new confinament, according to potencial new official guidelines. 

And, as usual, you can donwload the "text book" and the monthly works for homework in the tab "APUNTES". 

Are you ready? 3... 2... 1... Let's go! :)

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