
miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2022

1º British: Shackleton and the exploration of the Antarctica (II_ArtBook)

Breaking news! On March, 2022 a group of scientists discovered into the deep blue the Endurance, the legendary ship that famous British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton lost in his last and tragic expedition, more than a century ago.

As you can imagine by this introduction, your new task this year is to do a work about it but… in a quite special and different way. Are you prepare for a bit of DIY? J

What do you have to do?

Your duty is to CREATE AN ART BOOK. And what is that? An artbook is a special book edition about a topic or concept, generally interactive, portable and easily shared; these special, unique editions are Works of Art by themshelves (not just a conventional book for reading) and can be made from a variety of materials, even become sculptural objects. These photo-collage will show you some inspirational examples:

Your new task (individual or in groups of maximum 4 people) is to create an artbook about the explorations on Antarctica. Of course, proper explanations about the topic will be provided at class and so you them put all that information in an artistical book-shape.

It is not necessary to write by your own all the information (exceptionally, this time you can copy&paste from internet, but  of course it would be necessary to do a previous good selection of the information and a good choice of typography and format!) because this work is about information management, edition technology and creativity, so… enjoy! J


Contents that MUST appear on your artbook (of course you MUST include images and maps):

  • Phisical map of Antarctica
  • Antarctica natural enviroment: climate (do not forget to include a climate graph), landscapes and animals.
  • Predecessors: Scott and Amundsen expeditions (brief biographies, portraits, basic info about their expeditions and comparative map)
  • Shackleton (short biography, portrait)
  • Shackleton’s team
  • Shackleton’s ship (Endurance). Photos, itinery and map.
  • Antarctica today, a brief summary (Questions that you have to answer here: What is the Treaty of Anstarctica? What are the basic rules for international cooperation there? What are the Spanish projects?)
  • Your opinión about the explorers and the activity.
  • Colophon (What is a colophon?)


Extra ITC’s tip! You can also add web links or… even convert them into QR codes by using free online apps such as monkey or bitly generator! After the conversion, just print and add the QR image into your artbook J

When finish, give handly your artbook to your teacher. As usual, this work is mandatory and you will receive a mark for it; if you do not do it, or do it out of time, your mark will be 0.


Ok, now we know what to do but… what about the theory? Read HERE!

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