
martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024

Curso 2024-25

¡Bienvenid@s al nuevo curso académico! Os recuerdo los criterios de evaluación y calificación de la asignatura de Geografía e Historia para este curso académico en 1º y 2º de la E.S.O.

Recordad también el calendario aprobado por la Junta de Castilla y León.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024

2023-2024 Deadlines for the third term

1º British:

Exam I (Rome)_ Monday, 15 April

Exam II (Maps: Spain & Europe)_ Monday, 29 April

Monthly Work nº5 (Chartography)_ Monday, 27 May

Oral: Population in extreme weather conditions_ Deliver: Friday 24 May, Oral: Monday, 27 May

2º British:

Monthly Work nº5 (Art)_ Thursday, 11 April

Exam I (America)_ Monday, 15 April

Oral (VIDEO): Spanish America TV NewsMonday, 29 April

Exam II (Your own guided visit to Avila)_ Draft's deliver: Thursday, 9 May, Orals: Monday, 20 May & Monday, 27 May

3º British:

Oral: Searching a job in Europe_ Deliver CV (pdf) Monday, 8 April. Oral: Monday, 15 April

Work nº4 (Tertiary sector)_ Monthly, 13 May

Exam I (Tertiary sector)_ Thursday, 23 May

Exam II (Flipped class!)_ ORALS: from Monday, 27 May to Monday, 3 June

4º British:

Oral: BBC History reporters_ Friday, 10 May

Exam (WWI & Russian Rev.)_ 4ºA+D Tuesday, 14 May / 4ºB+E Wednesday, 15 May

Monthly Work nº6 (Interwar + WWII)_ 4ºA+D Monday, 20 May / 4ºB+E Wednesday, 22 May

Almost done... Smile and breathe! ;)

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2024

3º British: Searching a job in Europe

Before looking for a job oportunity abroad, we must begin with a basic rule: INFORMATION about the country, about its market and labor legislation and, of course, its language.

To facilitate this process, the European Union has an online application for jobs searching (EURES) and a curriculum template, called EUROPASS, which can be completed online and is accepted throughout the European Union (there are two different versions: for University students and for workers). The EURES website also offers information about life in the country of destination and on the labor market (for example, what areas need new workers, etc.).

Also, keep in mind that job interviews can change slightly from one country to another (eg.: interviewers in Germany greatly appreciate a digital or video CV; or if applying as designer or publicist, they will love something catchy and creative).

As students of British Council in a globalise world, you will probably study or work abroad in any moment. Therefore, it would be a good idea to get used to Eures, isn't it? Here is the new double-task activity you have to do:

Task 1
Choose a job offer from this EURES list that is attractive for you. and use the Europass template to create a CV, a Language Passport and a letter to suit the job. Keep in mind all the tips and advices to create a good CV. When done, turn them into PDF format and send all those pdfs to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es. 

Task 2. Performance a job interview in class! Of course, balance share of roles, cooperation and the use of appropiate vocabulary will be also keep in mind.  

As usual, this work is mandatory. If you failed to do it, it will mean a 0 on your score. 

Good luck! :)

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024

2023-24 Deadlines for SECOND term

1º British:

Monthly Work nº3 (Greece)_ Monday, 29 January

Exam I (Greece)_ Monday, 5 February

Oral: Seven wonders of Ancient Times _ Friday, 16 February (Speech: 19, 20 & 21 February)

Monthly Work nº4 (Rome)_ Wednesday, 6 March

Book Review_ Monday, 11 March

2º British:

Monthly Work nº3 (Lower Middle Age)_ Wednesday, 24 January

Exam I (Lower Middle Age)_ Wednesday, 31 January

Oral: Precolombinian Cultures of America_ Wednesday, 21 February (Speech: Monday 26 February, Monday 4 & 11 March)

Monthly Work nº4 (Modern Era: America)_ Monday, 11 March

3º British:

Monthly Work nº2 (Primary sector)_ Thursday, 1 February

Exam I (Primary sector)_ Thursday, 22 February

VideoScribe_ MONDAY, 26 February

Monthly Work nº3 (Secondary sector)_ Thursday, 7 March

Exam II (Secondary sector)_ Thursday, 14 March

4º British:

Monthly Work nº4 (UK+Industrial Rev.)_ Friday, 26 January

Classroom dossier + oral conclussion_ From Monday 29 January to Friday 2 February

Exam (Industrial Rev.)_ 4ºA+D Monday 19 February / 4ºB+E Wednesday 21 February

Monthly Work nº5 (WWI & Russian Rev.)_ 4ºA+D Monday 11 March / 4ºB+E Wednesday, 13 March