
miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

2º E.S.O. PBL: La Edad Media en la Península Ibérica

Ya hemos explicado en clase qué es PBL (Project Basic Learning). Ahora os toca a vosotros ponerlo en práctica.

Se trata de trabajar la Edad Media en la Península Ibérica de una forma activa y desde varios puntos de vista. Cada grupo deberá escoger UNO de los siguientes personajes y desarrollar un proyecto acerca de su vida:
  • Un juglar que viaja con sus música y sus poemas
  • Un caballero que participa en una batalla
  • Un siervo acosado por las deudas con su señor feudal
  • Un peregrino a Santiago de Compostela
  • Un monje encargado de la biblioteca del monasterio
  • Un califa musulmán

¿En qué formato podéis hacer vuestro proyecto? Aquí tenéis libertad total: podéis hacer un telediario en vídeo, un cómic, un blog del peregrino, un periódico digital, una presentación de prezi… Sed creativos y divertíos! J

Podéis hacer vuestro PBL en grupo o individualmente. La fecha de entrega del producto final será el Jueves 13 de Febrero y a la semana siguiente deberéis hacer una exposición oral en clase, ante vuestros compañeros. Para evitar nervios en ese momento, podéis ensayar utilizando estos consejos para hablar en público.

Ambas partes (PBL y exposición oral) son obligatorias. Al final, recibiréis una nota que entrará a formar parte de la nota final de la evaluación.

Ánimo y suerte!

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

News in Education: What is PBL?

PBL (Project Based Learning) is a main option in the 21th Education. Projects vary in length, from several days to several weeks or even a semester, but it can always motivate students:

  • Is intended to teach significant content
  • Requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and various forms of communicationTo answer a Driving Question and create high-quality work, students need to do much more than remember information. They need to use higher-order thinking skills and learn to work as a team, be able to read a variety of material, write or otherwise express themselves in various modes, and make effective presentations.
  • Requires inquiry as part of the process.
  • Is organized around an open-ended Driving QuestionThis focuses students’ work and deepens their learning by framing important issues, debates, challenges or problems.
  • Creates a need to know essential content and skills. PBL reverses the order in which information and concepts are traditionally presented: it begins with the vision of an end product or presentation. This creates a context and reason to learn and understand the information and concepts.
  • Allows some degree of student voice and choiceStudents learn to work independently and take responsibility when they are asked to make choices.
  • Includes processes for revision and reflectionStudents learn to give and receive feedback in order to improve the quality of the products they create, and are asked to think about what and how they are learning.
  • Involves a public audience. Students present their work to other people, beyond their classmates and teacher – in person or online.  

We will do a PBL activity next term... 
be prepared to learn and have fun!


miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

British: Book review 2013-1014

As the curriculum for the subjetc is complex and really long, some of the lessons will be completed by the students. To begin with, students must read two books and hand-writting a personal review. This work is compulsory and must be returned in the specified date.

Students can read them in English or Spanish, it doesn’t matter, but of course the review must be written in English. This review, hand-written on one side of the sheet, must have the following sections:

·         Bibliographic card: title, author, publisher, place and year of publication ...
·         Abstract (3-4 pages)
·         Personal opinion about the book (1 page)

The two reading books for this year are:

1º ESO

La chica del tiempo, by Eva Mª Piquer (Second term)
Roman Mysteries (vol.1: The thieves of Ostia), by Caroline Lawrence (Translation into Spanish: Misterios Romanos 1: Ladrones en el foro). (Third term)

4º ESO

Animal Farm (Rebelión en la granja), by George Orwell (First term)
Las 13 rosas. By Jesús Ferrero. Siruela, 2003 (Second term)

All the titles are avaible in the Public Library. Enjoy the reading!

Lecturas históricas 2013-2014

Debido a lo extenso y amplio del temario, algunas lecciones deben completarse con trabajos por parte de los estudiantes. Entre otros, este curso se incluye la lectura de dos pequeñas novelas relacionadas con la Geografía y la Historia, de la que luego cada estudiante deberá hacer un trabajo, escrito a mano por una sola cara, que incluya los siguientes puntos:

  • Ficha bibliográfica: título, autor, editorial, colección, lugar y año de publicación.
  • Resumen (máximo 4 páginas)
  • Opinión personal y argumentada sobre el libro

Estos trabajos son obligatorios y deben ser entregados a la profesora en la fecha especificada. Una vez corregidos, recibirán una nota que entrará a formar parte de la nota media de la evaluación. De no entregarlo, la nota del trabajo será 0.

Los libros escogidos para este año son:

1º ESO

La chica del tiempo, de Eva Mª Piquer (2º trimestre)
Misterios Romanos (vol.1: Ladrones en el foro), de Caroline Lawrence (3º trimestre)

2º ESO

La tierra de las papas, de Paloma Bordons (2º trimestre)
El oro de los sueños, de José Mª Merino (3º trimestre)

Hay varios ejemplares disponibles en la Biblioteca Pública. Manos a la obra!

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

3º British: Global Warming, an incovinient truth

Global warming has become a controversial issue but also a leading public environmental concern. Even those who considered the overall subject “debatable” have changed their minds as more conclusive evidence has come in from all corners of the globe. 

During the following days, we will work in class about this topic:

  • First step, will be the film "An inconvinient truth". 
  • Second step, you will work in groups, doing several online research and writting brief essays, with this Global Warming's Activities and the Kyoto Protocol document.

As usual, send the solved activities to blogeducativo08@gmail.com when finish. This work will be part of the score at the end of the NEXT term. If you fail to finish them or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Go on!

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

4º British: Photos of Brazil's History With Slavery

We are covering Slavery and Civil War in U.S.A. now so the following info and photographs should offer students some interesting insights...

Brazil was the last place in the America's to abolish slavery in 1888, so there are lots of photographs of the practice as you can see in the clip above. Indeed, according to NPR, Brazil has the "world's largest archive of photography of slavery." 

Now, you can see many of those photographs  at a new exhibition in Sao Paulo (the museum web site is in Portuguese). You can also read the excellent  NPR story which includes some background about the history of Brazilian slavery.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Etna, an active volcano / Etna, un volcán en erupción

British versión

Some days ago, Etna, the most active volcano in Europe, woke up again... You can watch more photos on this link. But this is not the first time we speak about natural hazards in this blog, do you remember the submarine volcano near Canary islands?
And speaking of volcanoes and earthquakes ... you can earn extra positive today if you answer the following questions:

  1. What is the name of the most famous volcano in the Canary Islands? In which island is it located?
  2. What is the Richter scale?
  3. According to this scale, from what magnitude can be the population in a real danger?
Versión española
Erupción en el Nuevo Cráter del sureste del volcán Etna el día 17 de noviembre. El Etna, situado en la isla italiana de Sicilia es el volcán más activo de Europa. Podéis ver más fotos en este enlace. Pero ésta no es la primera vez que hablamos de desastres naturales en este blog, ¿Recordáis el volcán submarino localizado cerca de las islas Canarias?
Y ya que hablamos de volcanes y terremotos... os podéis ganar un positivo extra hoy si contestáis las siguientes preguntas:

  1. ¿Cómo se llama el volcán más famoso de Canarias? ¿En qué isla se encuentra?
  2. ¿Qué es la escala de Richter?
  3. Según dicha escala, ¿a partir de qué magnitud empieza a existir riesgo grave para la población?
Photo: El país

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

4º British: Italian Unification

You are living in Italy in the year 1870... 

Once you have identified the major issues/problems and possible solutions to Italian unification, your team will then create a complete publicity campaign to inform the Italian people how these issues relate to nationalism and liberalism.

This product can be in the form of a poster, newscast, digital newspaper, video, comic or a product of your choice. If your team has an original idea, you must pass it by me first. Your final product must include three or more specific examples from Italian unification to support your campaign. Use information, pictures, movies, facts, opinions, etc. from the webpages you explored to convince your teammates. All sources you use must be documented (add a “Webgraphy section” to your work...).

You have to send the final task to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. The deadline will be Tuesday 26 November. This work is mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it, do it out of date, or just copy from a webpage, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Be creative and enjoy it! J

To begin with, you can visit the following links:

Timeline (Prezi)
Arcaini (Italian page)

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Tutoría: Estrategias y técnicas para estudiar

Un tema recurrente en todas las tutorías, por su importancia, son las estrategias y técnicas para estudiar: ¿Cuáles son nuestros fallos? ¿Cómo podemos mejorar nuestro rendimiento? En las próximas tutorías trabajaremos sobre estos temas.

Pero antes, tenemos que averiguar cuál es nuestro ESTILO DE APRENDIZAJE. ¿Por qué dos alumnos con similares capacidades y aptitudes hacia el estudio obtienen diferentes resultados académicos en determinadas asignaturas? La respuesta no está en la materia qué aprenden, sino en cómo la aprenden. Cada estudiante tiene un estilo particular de procesar, interpretar y asimilar la información que se recibe.  

Fíjate en esta imagen y averigua cuál es tu estilo de aprendizaje (Recuerdas mejor las cosas que ves? o que escuchas? o las que haces?...). Una vez qué averigües cómo aprendes, te será más fácil concentrarte en tus puntos fuertes, saber qué tipo de actividades y técnicas debes reforzar y practicar más, etc.

Otro punto a tener en cuenta es que cada materia tiene un MÉTODO DE ASIGNATURA específico, que funciona mejor en esa materia que en otra. Aunque hay algunas estrategias generales, comunes a todas las asignaturas, como saber LEER BIEN o ejercitar la MEMORIA.

También es cierto que sólo con esto no vale. A veces encontramos problemas u obstáculos para empezar a estudiar: el ambiente, el cansancio, la motivación… Para todos ellos hay SOLUCIONES.

Y si quieres consejos útiles y fáciles de poner en práctica, puedes consultar:

Y finalmente, una web interactiva de JCyL con varias sugerencias.

Ahora sólo queda ponerlo en práctica antes de los exámenes de la evaluación... Ánimo y mucha suerte! 

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

1º British: The Solar System and the birth of Planet Earth

Today we will do a review of the unit with the following videos from National Geographic - Education, a wonderfull website that you should visit from time to time...

2. Solar System and planets (3'20 minutes)
3. The Early Earth (5'17 minutes)
4. Tectonic plates (1'13 minutes)

Enjoy them! We will have more in future weeks :-)

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

1º British: What is Geo-literacy?

These two videos illustrate what geo-literacy means to individuals and to our global community. 
  1. What is Geo-literacy? 
  2. Why is Geo-literacy important? 

After reading the class information and watching both videos, answer the following questions:
  • What is geo-literacy?
  • What are examples of careers that use geographic thinking and reasoning?
  • What does the sentence “Geography is interdisciplinary” mean?
  • Geography explores three different systems. What are they and how are they related?
  • How might a geographer approach global problems differently than other scientists?
  • Critical Thinking: How do you see the work of geographers in your everyday life?

Write the answers in a word document. When you finish, send the document, with your name included, as a attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com.  Good luck! 

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

4º British: Weekly Works (2013-2014)

Here you have the Weekly Works for the first term of this year. I will give you the deadline for each one with anticipation at class. Good luck! 

Remember that it is compulsory to give to the teacher all the activities or works in the required date. If you fail to finish them or you do it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for that work).

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

British: Geographical coordinates and AR/GR

Today we will do a review of mapping skills. But it is a timed-trial: you will have only today's class for solving the following activities:

  1. This is about geographical coordinates. Look carefully at the world map and match each city with its coordinates. 
  2. This is about Area references. Answer the questions.
  3. Finally, an activity about Grid references. Look carefully at the picture and match each reference with the correct icon of the legend (key symbols)
Write the answers of all these activities in a word document (with your names) and send it, as a attached file, to blogeducativo08@gmail.com

Try to do your best... and good luck!

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

3º British: Weekly Works (2013-2014)

Here you have the full list of Weekly Works for this Academic Year (2013-2014). Obviously, it is not necessary to print all of them together; I will give you the deadline for each one with anticipation at class.
Don't panic and try to do your best! (But remember: It is compulsory to give to the teacher all the activities or works in the required date. If you fail to finish them or you do it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for that work.)
Good luck!

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

1º British: Geography lessons

Here you have all the theoretical units of the first term: Geography lessons ans their weekly works. You should print all of them at home, and bring them well-organised in the ring-binder. 

Let's start! :-) 

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

British: Academic information 2013-2014

In the links below, students can read the academic information for this year:

You can also read more details about the Assesment criteria (Criterios de evaluación y calificación) and the Ring-Binder criteria (Normas para el Cuaderno de Clase).

Good luck! 

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Nueva imagen / New logo

Hoy estamos de estreno en el blog! Como podéis ver, tenemos nueva imagen: un logo creado en exclusiva para mi, para mi blog y para mis alumnos J Una imagen que identifique nuestras clases de Geografía y de Historia (y los libros, y los apuntes, y los trabajos…). Una imagen que a partir de ahora os encontraréis en los distintos materiales de clase, empezando por… los DIPLOMAS de fin de curso! Qué mejor forma de estrenar nuestro logo?

Esta imagen ha sido diseñada por Kopi Design. Experiencia en diseño corporativo, editorial, aplicaciones móviles, web y publicidad. Información y contacto: pablo@kopidesign.com

Today we have remarkable news on the blog! As you can see, we have new image: a logo design created exclusively for me, for my blog and for my students J An image that identifies our classes of Geography and History (and the books, the notes, the activities, the weekly works ...). A logo that, from now on, you will find in the different class materials, starting with ... the DIPLOMA! It is the best way of using it for the first time, isn’t it?

This image has been designed by Kopi Design, graphic designer with experience in corporate design, editorial, mobile applications, web and advertising. Contact and Information: pablo@kopidesign.com

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

1º British: Historical model-making

Finally, here you have your wonderfull historical dioramas. You were very creative and worked hard. Congratulations! J

I do like all of them, really. Which one is your favourite? Maybe the fantastic and famous Library of Alexandria?

Or maybe the Parthenon? With the sculpture of Athenea Parthenos inside? Do you prefer a Mesopotamian ziggurat?

Do you like misteries and advertures? In this case, you would probably prefer to discover Tuthankhamen’s tomb…

Do you like gladiator? Or mythological stories?

And what about the Vesubius’ explosion? With the destruction of the Pompeii, the Roman city…

We also have pyramids, a mummy, an “auriga”…

2º ESO - Cómics: la conquista de América

Aquí están, por fin, vuestros fantásticos cómics. Podéis verlos en formato pdf simplemente haciendo clic sobre el enlace. Después, podéis votar vuestra historia favorita en estaencuesta.

Disfrutad la lectura! J

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

4º British: Units 17 & 18. Spain and UK after the War. The Democracy

Here you have the last two topics of the year. There are out of time/out of exam but, just in case someone is interested into them... (I know that your answer will be “No, thanks!” J)

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

1º British: Roman’s emperors

Today’s activity is a time trial! You have only this hour to find out about the people who ruled the Roman Empire. Make a list of 'good' emperors and 'bad' emperors, and explain why they are on your list. You’ll find a list of the Roman Emperors in this link from BBC (but you should do an online research and use more websites).

For example: “Emperor Augustus was a good ruler, because he restored peace to the Roman Empire. One thing he did was to set up a fire-fighting service for the people of Rome and...”

You should start by the Spaniards emperors (specially, Hadrian), but here are some suggestions for people you could research: Caligula - Claudius - Nero – Marcus Aurelius - Constantine...

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

4º British: Unit 14 Spanish II Republic and the Civil War

A main topic in our recent History: the Spanish II Republic and the Civil War. Here you have the links you will need for working on it...
If you want more information, you can visit the website “España amanece Republicana”, that the Newspaper “Público” did during the 80º commemoration of the Spanish II Republic.  In addition, you can do an small review with the following games and quiz:

Remember also that, if you like cinema, you have some suggestions about historial movies of this topic in a previous pdf... 

Cover photo: "Guernica", by Picasso (1937)

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

4º British: Review for the IGCSE (History of USA)

As you need a deeper study for preparing this topic for Friday’s exam, here there are some complementary links...

Obviously, you can start the review by the BBC-History web with the following article: “The American War of Independence: The Rebels and the Redcoats”.

But, talking about USA, maybe it is a better idea reading edsitement (web of the National Environment for the Humanities). In that link, you can find many lessons, activities and other resources about the following topics:

  • Slavery and African Americans
  • Causes of the Civil War
  • Abrahan Lincoln and the course of the war
  • Art and Literature of the Civil War
  • Reconstruction

As you probably feel overwhelmed with so much information, I recommend you visit only the “Lessons” and, within them, the "Background" section. For example, Lesson 1: On the eve of war (North vs. South)

Finally, you can read the Declaration of Independence of the 13 colonies (full text).

Good luck! J